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Job Postings

[The National Commercial Bank of Timor-Leste] International Consultant

  • Application period 2022.10.12 ~ 2022.10.31
  • Name학생지원팀
  • Hit458



International Consultant for BNCTL’s Preparation to meet the Requirements for Green Climate Fund (GCF) program.



BNCTL’s Preparation to meet the Requirements for Green Climate Fund (GCF) program.


Timor Leste

Duration of Contract

4 Months

Type of Contract




Expected Start Date

October 2022




The IV Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste as per decree Law No.11/2011 has been promoting a set of initiatives seeking to establish, reform and strengthen the organic structures of Public Administration, so as to make them more adequate to national reality and to provide them with greater capacity to make an efficient and effective contribution towards the promotion of economic and social development in the Country, both at national and district level.

One global issue becomes a concern of all is about climate change now a days. This is a serious threat for today’s world life and Timor Leste. As developed country, it is now becoming a need to early prevent and mitigate the contribution in increasing for global warming and high temperature.

BNCTL as state own bank in the country, of course will also do much through commercial banking activities that will part in decreasing and responding to the vulnerabilities of economic, tendency contribution for the global warming in the country and around the globe.

2.     Overall Objectives

The overall objectives of the consultancy are to prepare a complete proposal and all documents as requirements to meet and become as member of Global Climate Fund (GCF) program. It is also as a requirement to provide the necessary training for the staff involved in the process, with the aiming of enhancing the capacity in building business case to better access resources of the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

3.     Scope of Work

The main responsibility of the Consultant will be as follow:

1.      Participate in an inception meeting with the National Designated Authority (NDA) of Timor Leste and together with BNCTL to discuss the methodology, work plan and clarify issues.

2.      Design and launch a request call for project ideas. Project ideas should be aligned with the GCF investment criteria.

3.      Evaluate and prioritise submitted project ideas using agreed criteria. In collaboration with the NDA in Timor Leste, and BNCTL future plan.

4.      Design and develop training modules for private sector entities. The module should focus on the impacts of climate change, criteria for accessing the GCF (including incremental costing methodology), project cycle and an in-depth session on project proposal conceptualisation and development.

5.      Present the training module to BNCTL in coordination with Timor Leste-NDA for feedback and approval. 

4.     Main Deliverables

The Consultant must deliver the following outputs/products:

a)       Deliverable 1: An Inception Report which outlines decisions made in the inception meeting regarding the work plan and methodology.

b) Deliverable 2: Report on Request for Call for project ideas, along with draft training modules for BNCTL and NDA approval.

c) Deliverable 3: provide trainings workshop with for BNCTL.

d) Deliverable 4: Workshop proceedings, recommendations for follow-up actions and training materials.

5. Competencies

·          Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals;

·         Ability to work within multi-disciplinary teams;

·         Good communication skills, including in workshop and facilitation settings;

·         Ability to work independently;

·         Exhibit excellent interpersonal, organizational and management skills;

·         Strong knowledge of computer management skills and Computer literacy in Microsoft office (MS Word, MS PowerPoint, Excel etc.);

·         Very good document drafting and writing abilities, including in the presentation of analysis or research;

·         Ability to identify priority activities and assignments and adjust priorities as required especially within a deadline driven environment;

·         Familiarity with Green Climate Fund (GCF) policies, templates, requirements for climate financing-including the incremental costing methodology.

5.     Professionals Qualifications and Experience

ü  The candidate should possess at least an advanced degree (Masters or higher) in Project Management, Environmental Studies, Business Administration, Finance, Climate Policy or a relevant field;

ü  Candidate must have at least 4-5 years of proven experience in project/programme development and management in climate change.

ü  Demonstrate previous success in development and approval of multilateral funded projects (Adaptation Fund, Global Environment Facility and Green Climate Fund). Experience with the GCF is preferred;

ü  Candidate should provide samples of work that demonstrate the following: 

·         At least three relevant and successful climate finance projects developed over the last 4-5 years which highlights their experience;

·         Experience in grant proposal writing and project development training;

ü    Candidate must be fluent in both written and spoken English.

6.     Timeframe For Deliverables

This consultancy is for a period of three months however, the number of working days may be less.

7.     Reporting Requirements

The Consultant will report directly to the Principal Director of Banco Nacional de Comercio de Timor Leste (BNCTL), for contractual and administrative arrangements. Feedback will also be obtained from participating NDAs in the region on the regional action plan. The Consultant is expected to submit electronic versions of each deliverable in Microsoft Word and PDF as well as three (3) hard copies. All submissions must be completed in English. The BNCTL in coordination with NDA are responsible for approving all submissions.

8.     Schedule of Payment

The contract price is a fixed output-based price regardless of extension of consultancy duration. The following percentages are contemplated for payments:



% contract Value


Upon signature of contract by both parties and submission of an Inception Report which outlines decisions made in the Inception Meeting regarding the work plan and methodology.

10 %


Upon submission of Report on Request for Call for Project Ideas and draft training modules for BNCTL and NDA for approval



Upon delivery trainings or workshop for BNCTL involved team.



Upon submission of workshop proceedings, recommendations for follow-up actions and training materials. A workshop evaluation report should be appended summarizing participant’s feedback of

the training received.


   9.     Evaluation Criteria


Proposals will be evaluated based on price/cost effectiveness, suggested approach and general and specific experience, demonstrated similar work conducted before, and referrals.


10.Conflict of Interest


No Consultant involved in this assignment shall have conflict of interest. Accordingly, it is required that the Consultant:


                    i. Provide impartial, objective and professional advice;


                   ii.Hold the interest of BNCTL and the Government of Timor Leste;


                 iii. Provide advice that does not conflict with other assignments nor their corporate interests;


                 iv.  Assigned to this activity not be in conflict with any prior or current obligations/assignments to/with other clients and must be in a position to complete the assignment in a manner consistent with ‘ii’ above.


                  v. Shall not be hired who has a close business or family relationship with a professional staff of BNCTL that is involved (directly or indirectly) in any part in: 1) the preparation of the Terms of Reference (ToR) related to this assignment; 2) the selection process for the award of contract and the; 3) supervision of the contract.


11.Submission of the Requirements


Please submit applications to the address below:


Ms. Ima Mayawati Betty

Head Division of Human Resource and Logstic

BNCTL, Obrigadu Barak, Caicoli, Dili


Email: ima_mbetty@bnctl.tl




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