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[5·18기념재단] 2024 광주청년민주포럼 참가자 모집ㅣThe Gwangju Youth Democracy Forum 2024

  • CategoryInternational
  • Name학생교류협력팀
  • Date2024-03-06 14:42
  • Hit62

Call for Application – The Gwangju Youth Democracy Forum 2024 ( ~ March 20th)


The May 18 Foundation invites you to apply to participate the Gwangju Youth Democracy Forum 2024(Y-GDF) during the Gwangju Democracy Week on May 14 to 15 (Tuesday to Wednesday), 2024 prior to Gwangju Democracy Forum 2024 in Gwangju, South Korea. The various program (lecture, discussion, study tour, and etc) will be composed and after the Y-GDF, you will attend the GDF 2024 from May 16 to 18 (Thursday to Saturday) 2024. The GDF will take place for 4 days during the Gwangju Democracy Week under the theme “Crisis of Freedom - The Future We Want” You can find the concept note (draft) of the GDF 2024 below. The deadline for the submission is March 20th (Wednesday), 2024.


- Application Link: http://2024gdfeng.518.org/index.do?contentId=368&dm_id=7

- Duration: Feb. 27(Tues.) to March 20th (Wed.), 2024


* Contact and Enquiries

- Hayoung Shin: shy@518.org Tel) +82-62-360-0535



1. (재)5·18기념재단은 5·18민주화운동과 민주·인권·평화의 정신을 이해하고, 광주청년민주포럼에 참여할 참가자를 모집하고 있습니다.

2. 민주.인권.평화 정신을 공유하는 의미 있는 프로그램에 많은 학생들의 관심과 참가 바랍니다.

2024 광주청년민주포럼(Y-GDF 2024) 참가자 모집 내용

모집기간: 2024. 2. 27()~ 3. 20()

대 상: 국내 거주 한국인 및 외국인 대학생

모집인원: 20명 내외

행사기간: 2024. 5. 14() ~ 5.18()

신청방법: 2024 광주민주포럼 홈페이지

언 어: 영어

링 크: http://2024gdfeng.518.org/index.do?contentId=368&dm_id=7

붙임: 1. Y-GDF 2024 컨셉노트(영문) 1

         2. Y-GDF 2024 컨셉노트(국문) 1

  • pdf 첨부파일 1. Y-GDF 2024 Concept note(English).pdf (120.12KB / Download 30회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 2. 2024 광주청년민주포럼 컨셉 노트(Korean).pdf (141.82KB / Download 21회) Download
  • hwp 첨부파일 3. Y-GDF 2024 Announcement.hwp (786.5KB / Download 23회) Download