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Local Governance and Partnership Forum

  • Category
  • Name학생지원팀
  • Date2023-09-25 16:00
  • Hit109

In the 7th Regional Symposium on

Effective governance and Digital Transformation for Accelerating the 2030 Agenda


Local Governance and Partnership Forum


Thursday, 19 October 2023 (3rd Day of the Regional Symposium)

[Time KST] 10:40 – 15:00 (Seoul, GMT+9),


Grand Ball Room A, 2nd Floor, Songdo ConvensiA,

 Incheon, Republic of Korea

& Via Zoom https://bit.ly/3BcXoa1 

(Passcode: 12345, Meeting ID: 841 3100 0997)


Organized by

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)

Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG)

United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG)

With the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of the Republic of Korea (MOIS)

Incheon Metropolitan City and


In a special collaboration with

Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA)

Korea Research Institute for Local Administration (KRILA)

National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI)

Korea Local Information Research and Development Institute (KLID)

Korea Island Development Institute (KIDI) and

Saemaul Foundation


I.  Session Objectives


New in the 2023 Regional Symposium programme is the Local Governance and Partnership Forum on Fostering Active Partnership among National Research Institutions (NRIs, which are funded by national government ministries) and Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) for the Practical Implementation of the SDGs at the Local Level. It is an opportunity for NRIs, NGOs, local and regional governments (LRGs), local and regional authorities, and national government ministries (NGMs) from the Republic of Korea and from other countries to gather and enhance their collaborative efforts towards accelerating SDG implementation at the local level. It also aims to showcase practical ground-level policies that LRGs from different regions and environments, and with varying levels of infrastructure, human resources, and budget allocations, can adopt for SDG implementation.

The primary focus of the Local Governance and Partnership Forum is to explore methods, challenges, and opportunities to foster partnerships between NRIs, NGOs, LRGs, local and regional authorities, and NGMs to share their respective expertise and develop practical policies for SDG localization.


II.        Background


Promoting effective governance for the SDGs at the local level can significantly contribute to a country’s achievement of the Global Goals as local governments are better placed to respond to people’s needs. Effective local governance can greatly benefit from collaborative networks among national research institutions, non-governmental organizations, local and regional governments, and national government ministries since they can help to enhance sound policymaking. Collaborative networks can provide insights and experiences from different local contexts, including on development capacities, and human and natural resources across the metropolitan cities, small- and medium-sized cities, rural and island areas. Thus, differences in social, economic, and environmental characteristics influence practical steps towards the SDG.

Establishing a stable and integrated relationship between NRIs, NGOs, LRGs, and NGMs is particularly crucial to develop practical policies. NRIs generate innovative insights into local practice by providing policy advice. NGOs promote active practices in local community. LRGs can then translate these policies into practice by taking into account the capacities, resources, and tools available in these areas. The role of national government ministries is essential in bridging the NRIs and LRGs for them to translate SDGs localization into practice.

The “Local Governance and Partnership Forum” is being organized for NRIs, NGOs, LRGs, working-level government officials and practitioners from developing countries in the Asia and beyond to share their knowledge and country experiences on the topic, and for them to devise practical on-ground solutions.

III.        Session Format


Round Table Discussion on Promoting Effective Local Governance and Partnership (10:40-12:10)

This Session will focus on the critical roles of partnerships amongst NRIs, LRGs and NGMs for the implementation of the SDGs at the local level. It will provide insights on the importance of enhancing NRI engagement in promoting effective local governance and partnership. The Session affirms the importance of effective governance and inclusive partnerships for local and regional governments, where practical acceleration for the SDGs arises on-ground. NRIs can generate insightful innovations and strengthen local policies with their scientific expertise.

Key questions:

 Why local governance among NRIs, LRGs and NGMs are important to achieve the SDGs?

 How can strategic insights from NRIs accelerate the progress towards the SDGs?

 What are practical policy cases NRIs develop in Republic of Korea in areas of local service delivery, digital transformation, disaster resilience and other local policies?


This Roundtable Discussion will share expertise of 6 outstanding NRIs in Republic of Korea. 6 NRIs will provide practical policy cases how to formulate practical policies for SDG localization in the areas of public services delivery, local administration, effective local digital policy, island development, community activities and disaster management for local and regional authorities in the Republic of Korea. It is for the first time for the honorable representatives of the institutions to come together to exchange their experiences. It will also provide a rare opportunity for the audience to ask questions. The Session will serve the calls from other countries to share knowhows and recommendations.


Practical Lessons on Local Governance and Partnership for SDG Implementation at the Local Level (13:30-15:00)

This Session will explore the challenges and opportunities in formulating on-ground policies by NGOs, LRGs, and NGMs for implementing the SDG at the local level in the world. It will feature actual implementation cases on local governance and partnership shared by NGOs and cities and local authorities in Asia, Republic of Korea, Philippines, Africa and beyond.

Key questions:

 Why are non-governmental organizations and small local governments critical in local governance for the SDGs at the local level?

 How can hands-on actions from NGOs and local governments achieve the progress?

 What organizational changes are requested for effective local governance and partnership?

 Overall, it will provide an opportunity for government officials at the working level and local practitioners to explore collaborations, strategies, and synergies among NGOs, NRIs, LRGs, and NGMs.


IV.        Collaborative Organizers


Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA)

Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA) is committed to conduct research on the development and improvement of administrative system. It collects and manages information and data related to public administration.


Korea Research Institute for Local Administration (KRILA)

As a policy research institute established in 1984, Korea Research Institute for Local Administration (KRILA) contributes to the development of local autonomous administration in Korea through numerous research activities.


National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI)

The National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI) focuses on three major activities: (1) the production and dissemination of practical disaster management outcomes, (2) establishment of national disaster management information analysis and sharing system, and (3) capacity building on world-class disaster safety management technology development.


Korea Local Information Research and Development Institute (KLID)

The Korea Local Information Research and Development Institute (KLID) has made great contributions to bridging regional digital divide and realizing a balanced local development in the country. KLID has carried out these tasks by enhancing administrative efficiency through developing common information systems and developing local policies relating to informatization.


Korea Island Development Institute (KIDI)

The Korea Island Development Institute (KIDI) was established to promote the values of the islands, to enhance the lives of the islanders, and to develop island policy to identify potential future growth engines. KIDI has the vision of contributing to “Islands bringing to the future, sailing towards the world” and wishes to be one of the most outstanding island research institutes in the world, guiding the “Grand Voyage of the Islands.”


Saemaul Foundation

As the Republic of Korea impressed the international community with a giant leap forward in social and economic development, Saemaul Undong received special attention as a key factor for the nation’s transformation. Since the beginning in 2012, the Foundation has formed the strong ties both with public and private sectors in and out of Korea to form effective alliance and governance to successfully carry on its mission to achieve the SDG.


V.        Agenda


Local Governance and Partnership (19. Oct. 2023/   10:40-15:00/)

180 minutes


·          Round Table Discussion on Promoting Effective Local Governance and Partnership (10:40-12:10, 90’)

-          Moderator’s Opening (5’)

-          Key-note Message (5’)

-          Round Table Discussion (80’)


·          Practical Insights and cases on Local governance and Partnership for SDG Implementation at the Local Level (13:00-15:00, 90’)

-          4 Presentations (each 15’)

-          Q&A (25’)

   Wrap-up by the Moderator (5’)


10:40 – 10:50




Moderator: Ms. Yun Lee, Senior Programme Management Expert, UNPOG/UNDESA (5 mins)


Key- Note Speech (5 mins)

-          Ms. Maria-Francesca Spatulisano, Assistant Secretary General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs, UNDESA (TBC)

10:50 –12:10

Round Table Discussion: Promoting Effective Local Governance and Partnership (60 mins)


·          Facilitator: Prof. Tae Nyon Kim, Seoul National University (TBC)

·          Roundtable Speakers (50 mins)

-               Mr. Sanghan Choi, President, Korea Institute of Public Administration (5-6’)

-               Mr. Dong-ho Oh, President, Korea Island Development Institute (5-6 mins)

-               Mr. Seung Jong Lee, President, Saemaul Foundation (5-6 mins)

-               Mr. Ja-bok Joo, Vice-President, Korea Institute for Local Administration (5-6’)

-               Mr. Seok-Jin Kim, Vice-President, Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute (5-6 mins)

-               Mr. Jong Seol Lee, President, National Disaster Management Research Institute (5-6 mins)

Q&A (30 mins)

12:10 – 13:30

·         Lunch

13:30 –15:00

Practical Insights and Cases on Local Governance and Partnership for SDG Implementation at the Local Level


·                   Facilitator: Joohee Uhm, Program Officer, World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization, Republic of Korea 

-        Presentation 1 (15 mins)

Ms. Yeonhee Park, Director, ICLEI Korea Office

-        Presentation 2 (15 mins)

Ms. Senaka Basnayake, Director, Climate Resilience Department, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre

-        Presentation 3 (15 mins) / online

Ms. Monique Lagdameo, Vice-Mayor, Makati City, Philippines

-        Presentation 4 (15 mins)

Ms. Abir Achour, Task manager, African Local Government Academy (ALGA), United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa)


Interactive Discussion / Q&A (25 mins)


Wrap-up by the Session Moderator (5 mins)