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[Notice] Fire Drill (September 30th, Fri)

  • CategoryDormitory Notice
  • NameSong, Jeongwon
  • Date2016-09-28 14:47
  • Hit321
Dear all of KDI students,
Student Affairs inform you that Fire Drill will be held on September 30th, Friday from 15:00pm.
We ask for all of your participation since this training would be a  great help if you have a fire incident. It will show you which way is the quickest way to escape from the fire and you will learn how to use fire extinguisher. 
Briefly informing the training, you will hear the fire alarm through public announcement system. Once you hear it, please get out of the dormitory following the attached map. There will be DAs and other staffs at both staircases to facilitate you in escaping from the building.
Based the importance of the Fire Drill, we ask for your kind cooperation with a serious attitude for your own safety in an emergency situation.

According to attached files, You will be able to learn how to react in an emergency situation.

Please check the below for the detailed schedule.
- Date: September 30th, Friday
- Time: 15:00 - 15:20
- Venue: 102 Building and Parking area of 102 building
※Since the training would be held in 102 building all together, residents of 101 building should get in to the 102 building before the training starts.




15:00 –15:10

Training to get out of the building once the fire alarm works

102 building

15:10 – 15:20

Training to use fire extinguisher

Parking area of 102 building

Thank you,
Student Affairs DIvision
  • hwp 첨부파일 Emergency Guidelines_Earthquake.hwp (2.49MB / Download 233회) Download
  • hwp 첨부파일 Emergency Guidelines_Fire.hwp (247.5KB / Download 233회) Download
  • pptx 첨부파일 Fire, Earthquake Evacuation Route.pptx (725.79KB / Download 225회) Download
  • hwp 첨부파일 How to use fire extinguishers and indoor fire hydrants.hwp (242.5KB / Download 227회) Download