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(health information) Learn about gallstone with medical cartoon

  • CategoryStudent Notice
  • NameKim, Hyunmi
  • Date2018-06-15 11:21
  • Hit528


Learn about gallstone with medical cartoon

If you ever heard about gallstone, you might question what does ‘gall’ stands for. It stands for gallbladder. Gallbladder is located under the liver surface.  It’s attached. In our body, the liver is located on the right upper area of the abdomen. So, when you have trouble with gallstone, you’ll feel pain on the right upper part or maybe under the chest area. The location can differ case by case, so the doctors usually wants to be sure of what’s going wrong. That is why Dr. Persi checks the electrocardiogram and ultrasonography. The gallbladder can be executed when needed. It doesn’t do a fancy job inside us. It contains bile juice, which works on digesting foods, and squeeze them out when food comes along. So, it is best to keep it, but cutting it out doesn’t harm you much.

Gallstone is a stone formating inside the gallbladder. It generates because of its components, usually because of high cholesterol in it. The cholesterol becomes dense, making a crystal.

Honestly, there are many people who already have a gallstone inside them. But only one third of them will experience pain. So, doing surgery is not for everyone. It’s only for those who suffered.

The reason you can feel pain because of the stone is when the stone is stuck on the exit of the gallbladder. Imagine a pregnant woman going on a delivery. Pushing a big stone through a small hole, that can make the gallbladder go crazy. When it only cause pain, we just call it ‘biliary colic’. When the ‘sqeezing the stone through a pinhole’ is over, the pain subsides. But it can become inflammatory in come occasions. Then the pain persists, your body temperature rises, and white blood cell count rises in your blood. That’s ‘cholecystitis’

Cholecystitis should be operated right away. Biliary colic, can wait for a scheduled operation.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard operation. it minimizes wound scars which is very important in patient recovery. But gallstones can be very dangerous in some cases.

Thank you for your feedback.


Copyright © Doctor Persi (http://doctordangam.com/)