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[Mandatory] 2018 Date of Return Survey for International Students (~Nov. 16)

  • CategoryStudent Notice
  • NamePark Minah
  • Date2018-10-29 10:22
  • Hit421

Dear International Students,




We hope all of you are doing well in your academic life.This only applies to the students who are leaving after this fall semetster.  As you are aware, academic year will terminate as of December 7th, 2018 and students are supposed to return to your home country. At this moment KDI School would like to conduct Date of Return Survey including D-2 visa expiration, dormitory check-out, and future plan for students who are scheduled to leave.



The result of this survey will be referred to the immigration report and dormitory management, so please submit it no later than November 16th (Fri.). Thank you for your cooperation.




[1] Completion of the Study & Visa Expiration


When international students’ study period is completed as of December 7th, 2018 (please refer to the certificate of scholarship), the School must report the termination of study of each student to the immigration office. And students should return to a home country within 30 days from the date of Completion ceremony.



I The Date of Visa Termination Report to the Immigration I


Scholarship Group

Termination Date

17 Fall IBK

18 Spring GAS, GLF,


December 7th, 2018

15, 16 GAS (Ph.D.)

17 Spring NIIED

17 Fall IDB

January 31st, 2019




Please note that even if your sojourn period in your passport or expiration date of your foreign registration card are still valid, your D-2 visa will expire within 30 days from the date of Completion ceremony based upon the report by the School as above. Thus, if you are planning to return to home country around the ceremony must confirm your flight schedule or should change a visa to a proper status if you decide to extend your stay in Korea (e.g. employment etc.). Please kindly note that you are responsible for changing visa.




Please keep in mind that you won't be able to use the D-2 Visa to return Korea after going abroad after the termination date, but you are allowed to remain in Korea for 30days after the termination date but make sure that you are required to submit your alien registration card(ARC) at the airport when you leave Korea before the expiration date of ARC.








[2] Dormitory Check-out & Deposit (Refund)


Students who live on-campus dormitory are kindly asked to check out the dormitory during the period written below.


I Dormitory Check-out Period I

Scholarship Group

Check-out Period

17 Fall IBK

18 Spring GAS, GLF,


December 7(Fri.) ~

December 14(Fri.), 2018

17 Fall IDB

December 7(Fri.), 2018 ~

January 23(Wed.), 2019

15, 16 GAS (Ph.D.)

17 Spring NIIED

December 7(Fri), 2018 ~

January 31(Thur.), 2019




There will be an individual room inspection by your DA 3 days in advance to your check-out date. Once you pass the inspection of the room facilities and conditions, the deposit money will be refunded 100% on your check-out date. If any damage is found in the room facilities or the room condition is not as clean as before, that value will be subtracted from the deposit. The exact check-out date must be notified to the Student Affairs division by November 16th (Fri.) along with the Date of Return Survey(Go to the below link and fill out the survey and submit it by the deadline).


Link: https://goo.gl/forms/FEz5gYfCUTY80TgO2




PLEASE HAND IN THE SURVEY IN TIME; otherwise your deposit reimbursement will not be paid back to you. Please refer to on campus dormitory check out procedure as below.


On Campus Dormitory Check-out Procedure

Step 1.  Report your check-out date by submitting the Date of Return survey by November 16(Fri.)

Step 2.  Pick-up the check-out form from the housemaster at least before 3 days prior to your check-out and fill out the form.

Step 3.  Contact your DA to have him/her inspect your room, at least 3 days prior to your check-out.

l  Any loss of or damage to the facilities will be recorded.

l  Your room should be free of any items you do not plan to bring with you.

l  Remove any private belongings that you do not wish to be seen.

Step 4. Have the housemaster inspect your room and sign your check-out form on the check-out date.

Step 5. Submit the form to Ms. Minah Park in the Student Affairs Division and get the deposit back in cash on the check-out date. If you are planning to check out too early or too late or during the weekend, please drop by the office the day before your check-out date.

    - Office Hour: Mon~Fri (9:00~18:00, lunch hour: 12:00~13:00)


******IMPORTANT NOTE******

  1. If we find any damage to the dormitory facilities, the corresponding amount may be subtracted from your deposit.

  2. Those who have not notified us of the check-out date in advance, deposit will not be returned before your departure.


    Thank you for your time.


    Student Affairs Division