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KDIS International Relations Forum first event

  • CategoryStudent Forum Board
  • NameBOUMAIZ, Youssef
  • Date2016-06-14 15:22
  • Hit276

KDIR IS PROUD TO PRESENT OUR VERY FIRST EVENT - "What does Donald Trump mean for our generation?"

With the advent of the US Presidential Elections in November, 2016, the diverging policy directions of both US Presidential candidates have great implications for the rest of the world. 
But who is the Republican nominee exactly? What kind of US President will Donald Trump, make? Can there really be a wall between Mexico and the US? How may he shape US foreign policy in your region?
Guided by Professor Kim Byoung-Joo who has worked in Washington DC for a decade, let's share our opinions on JUNE 25th!

Date and Time: Saturday June 25th -  16:00 PM
Venue: Lincoln Hall

KDIS International Relations Forum
External Relations Direction