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  • CategoryStudent Forum Board
  • NameTRAN, Ngoc Phuong
  • Date2022-03-17 17:15
  • Hit1,600

ASEAN Cultural Showcase Contest is a pilot program organized by ASEAN Student Forum. With KDI Students from 9 out of 10 ASEAN countries, ASEAN Student Forum would like to organize this contest to: 

(i) Provide a platform for the participants to introduce the cultural values of ASEAN countries to the KDI School community; 

(ii) Create an environment of mutual understanding and peaceful partnership between ASEAN countries and KDI School community; 

(iii) Nurture future leasers who possess cultural intelligence and global competency. 

Eligible participants: All KDI Students (Alumni and current students) who interested in cultural values of 10 ASEAN countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam).

Participants of this program will be instructed to make a 1-minute video or capture a photo about ASEAN countries. The video and photo captured aim to provide a basic information ranging from tradtional language, foods, clothing, famous tourist spots to the rules of behavior of the country. Detailed instructions are provided in the attached files. 

Way to submit:

(i) Participant will submit products via the link: https://bit.ly/KDISschoolVideoContest.

(ii) Send the following information to abidah202212022@kdis.ac.kr: Name, Programme, Country of Participant, Video/Image titile and Description of the Video/Image. 

For more information, please contact Ms. Abidah via Whatsapp: +673 8837194 or KakaoTalk: AMoRa_, or Email: abidah202212022@kdis.ac.kr

The information of the contest is also updated on Instagram: kdi.aseanforum