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[NOTICE] (KDI Hiking Club) 6th and 7th hiking invitation~

  • CategoryStudent Club
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2010-12-07 00:00
  • Hit240

Hi, everyone!! 
This is Kevin. How is the summer semester going?
It is about time to leave for mountains, isn’t it?
Our sixth hiking will be on July 17 (Sunday). We are planning to do Bukhansan hiking. 

The seventh hiking will be on July 23~24(Saturday and Sunday). We are planning to go to Saryangdo island.
Are you taking a Saturday class? Don’t worry!! We will leave the school at 10 PM on Saturday and take the night bus.

(6th) Bukhansan Hiking!!!

-. Mountain : Bukhansan in Seoul
-. Net hiking hours : about 5~6 hrs.(We will come back to the school at about 4~5 PM)
-. When and where : July 17 , 8:00AM, KDI main building lobby

-. What to bring : suitable shoes(Korean mountains are full of slippery rocks), bus card, lunch, water, umbrella, camera(optional), toiletries,
                         a towel(You will sweat), sunblock, extra food for enegy(trailnuts, chocolate bars, etc.), etc. 

-. How to register : Send me email back to me at park7700@hotmail.com

(7th) Saryangdo Hiking!!!

-. Mountain : Jirisan on Saryangdo island(south sea)
-. Net hiking hours : about 5~6 hrs.
-. When and where : July 23 , 10:00PM, KDI main building lobby

-. Time schedule : KDI School → Dongdaemun → Bus riding(during the night) → Sacheon(seaport) → Saryangdo(island) → Jirisan(hiking) → Sacheon → Seafood market → Seoul

-. What to bring : suitable shoes(Korean mountains are full of slippery rocks), bus card, lunch, water, umbrella, camera(optional), toiletries,
                         a towel(You will sweat), sunblock, extra food for enegy(trailnuts, chocolate bars, etc.), etc. 

-. Details : This is a hiking travel agency trip. We are joining the tour group at Dongdaemun at 11PM. The bus will ride during the night and arrive at the seaport area in the morning.
                After breakfast, we take a ferry and go to the island. We will go hiking in Jirisan on the island. When we get out of the island, we will go to the seafood market for lunch.
                We are free to choose our menu but we have to prepare extra money for lunch.
                The price for this tour is 50,000 won for each individual. This includes night bus, ferry, and breakfast.
                Since I have to send money, I will collect the money earlier.

If you are going to join this hiking, please email me back at park7700@hotmail.com with following information.
1. Name in full : 
2. Which hiking are you joining in :
3. Are you going to be well-prepared for the hiking?(See ’what to bring’!) :  
If you have any question, please feel free to ask.