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Tournament (KDC)

  • CategoryStudent Club
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2009-12-03 00:00
  • Hit313

Hi every one,

How are you doing? Here is the information that I talked about in the last session. Let me know if you are interested. And about our club dinnerJ when is good for you, Thu or Friday coming week? I cannot come for Thu so Friday would be better for me. See you on WedJ


On the 3th April there is a rookie tournament. This rookie tournament is for those who have no debate experience. Since this is an unofficial tournament, the rookie status will remain unchanged until the National Tournament.


The national tournament (KNC) will be held in April 30th, May 1, 2nd at HUFS (Hangook University of Foreign Studies)


Here is the detailed announcement by the host


Ladies and Gentlemen,


HUFS English Debate Society (HDS) is proud to announce that the 6th KIDA National Championship will be held at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies this spring. Despite the initial uncertainty and delay regarding the host of this KNC, We are currently doing our best to ensure that a well-organized and exciting tournament is in plan for all prospective participants. Before officially opening registration, we’d like to offer a brief introduction of 2010 Spring KNC to unveil certain crucial details.


Convener: Carol Kyungeun Park (HDS president)

Chief Adjudicator: Aaron Junhyung Yoo

Deputy Chief Adjudicators: Lin (Yonsei GSIS), Euiyeon Kim (KDS), Jaehyun Kang (HYDS)

Venue: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Tournament Date: April 30th ~ May 2nd (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Team Cap: 60 teams

Institution Cap: 3 teams/institutions

* Please note that institution cap and the capacity of the tournament may increase if circumstances allow. We will post additional specific information if anything changes.

Early Registration Date: March 22th (Monday) ~ April 6th (Tuesday)

Late Registration Date: April 7th (Wednesday) ~11th (Sunday)

* This tournament will strictly adhere to these dates so please make sure that registration form submission and payment is completed within the period you wish to register.

We are more than thankful for your support and interest so far.

Please stay tuned for further information.

We hope to see you at 2010 Spring KNC.