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[Job Opening] Short-Term Consultant at the FCI GP of the World Bank Group

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • Name연구협력팀
  • Date2022-05-09 17:08
  • Hit2,771

안녕하세요, 세계은행 금융경쟁력혁신국 서울금융혁신센터에서 지식공유행사 기획 및 진행, 관련 조사연구 보조를 도와주실 컨설턴트를 모집하고자 합니다. 

서울금융혁신센터는 동아시아태평양 지역을 대상으로 금융 및 혁신정책에 대한 자문업무 및 해당 세계은행 Country Team의 프로그램에 대한 신탁기금 지원 사업 등을 하고 있습니다.

업무는 동아시아태평양지역 정부 및 정책당국자를 대상으로 하는 세미나, 워크샵, 행사 및 관련 조사 연구를 도와주시는 업무입니다. 

재택근무 가능하며, 인천 송도에 있는 오피스에 이따금씩 들리시면 됩니다. 계약 기간은 올 6월~12월중 40일(320시간) 정도이나 상황에 따라 추가 연장될 수 있습니다.

관심있는 분들의 많은 지원 부탁드립니다.

The Finance, Competitiveness &Innovation (FCI) Global Practice (GP) of the World Bank Group is looking for a Short-Term Consultant (STC) to support its knowledge activities, including organizing webinars and workshops, disseminating analytical products, etc.

Scope of Work:

- Plan and organize virtual or physical knowledge sharing events with the team, which will be organized in collaboration with Korean partners and counterparts in developing countries in the EAP region- Support the identification of key experts and liaise with them and their host organizations to ensure a clear understanding of roles and expectations

- Serve as a liaison between the project team and Korean institutions participating in knowledge exchange activities

- Organize meetings, maintain relationships, and ensure smooth communication between key stakeholders

- Communicate with local partners, team members, and clients in developing EAP countries as requested to build connections and partnerships

- Contribute to the design of TA activities, including but not limited to: knowledge exchange activities, training materials (e.g., presentations, memos, videos), and other promotional materials

- Support research or survey activities in distributing, collecting, and analyzing data

- Manage the Seoul Center’s external website and regularly update content

- Other need-based ad hoc support may also be required during the assignment period

Qualifications and Competencies:

- Professional experience of at least three years of content development or knowledge event planning related to international relations or the financial sector

- Excellent writing skills in English and Korean

- Ability to digest technical content and reframe language to make it accessible to a broader audience

- Ability to work rapidly and in coordination with the Seoul Center team and country teams in the EAP region

- Masters’ degree or equivalent in communication, journalism, public relations, international relations, economics, or related disciplines. Or equivalent combination of education and experience

- Knowledge of the World Bank Group and/or other multilateral development banks in the international development/cooperation arena is a plus

Duration and Compensation:

- The assignment period is expected to be for 40 working days over the period from June 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. Compensation will be determined based on the candidate’s academic and professional backgrounds and the remuneration guidelines for Short-Term Consultants of the World Bank Group (WBG daily rate is based on CV)

To submit an Application:

- Please provide a CV and two writing samples at slee55@worldbank.org by May 13, 2022.


  • pdf 첨부파일 TOR - Knoweldge Event Support_May 2022_FCI Seoul Center.pdf (120.83KB / Download 41034회) Download