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Student Forum Application for 2023 Fall

  • CategoryStudent Notice
  • Name학생지원팀
  • Date2023-08-28 17:22
  • Hit893

What is a Student Forum?

- A student-driven gathering for academic research with academic features. 

- Form a research group according to the REGION or POLICY area of interest

- Each research group will discuss and choose a thematic issue

- Perform various research activities such as interviews, seminars, conferences, case studies, literature reviews, and data analysis

- A total of six (6) student forums can be accommodated per semester

 * Under the KDI School's PURE Campaign, there will be a priority for approval when applying for new forums that work on environmental protection topics such as responding to climate change or carbon neutrality, and some small incentives may be considered to be given.

■ How to apply (or re-register)

  - Students proposing a new forum should complete the 'Student Forum Registration Form' and 'Member List of KDIS Student Forum for Registration' and submit it via email at sh_jung@kdischool.ac.kr

  - For old forums (as listed below) that wish to apply for the 2023 Fall semester, please complete the 'Student Forum Registration Form' and 'Change of Forum Representative' (if applicable) and submit them via email at sh_jung@kdischool.ac.kr


■ Application Period

  - By September 8 (Fri.), 2023


■ Requirement

  - A forum must have one (1) advising professor and more than 10 members, including one (1) representative and one (1) assistant representative. 

  - It is recommended to have members from various backgrounds. 


■ Financial Support

  - Maximum KRW 200,000 per semester

  - The support fund will be reimbursed at the end of the semester after reviewing the activity report and receipts    

   * Details will be notified to each representative later


■ How to Join a Student Forum

  - Further direction on the final list of forums will be announced at the end of September on the KDI School website, and email


Financial support

(1) For the reimbursement 

- Please submit a copy of the original receipts for the event 

- In case of items, indicate specific information about their use (e.g. T-shirts for forum members)

Eligibility for financial support will be determined after reviewing each forum’s activity reports. Upon review, KDI School will support a maximum of KRW 200,000 at the end of every semester.

- Items unrelated to the forum's stated purposes, such as alcoholic beverages, are not allowed to be purchased.
- If the forum plans to give students some awards, they can be reimbursed only if offered as merchandise. (Direct transfer as money cannot be reimbursed according to the school policy.)


(2) General seminars, conferences, and meetings

-  KDI School will support a maximum of KRW 200,000 per semester


(3) Special Events - Extra Support for guest lectures, conferences, discussions, and presentations

- Special events should be open for all KDIS students composed of numerous renowned experts

- Upon consultation and review with the Student Affairs Division eligibility for extra financial support will be determined

- For the application of special events, the forum representative should submit a forum activity plan report including financial details at least two weeks in advance from the expected event date

Please contact Mr. Si-hyun Jung (sh_jung@kdischool.ac.kr) at the Student Affairs Division for further inquiries.

Thank you.

  • docx 첨부파일 Student Forum Application.docx (18.65KB / Download 19576회) Download