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New Alumni Homepage Now Open!

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2002-12-09 00:00
  • Hit900


The KDI School Alumni Homepage, newly designed for enhanced usability and easier communication, is now open.
The homepage was redesigned as a key part of the School’s current efforts to strengthen the Alumni Network.
We hope that you will use it frequently and that it will bring back fond memories of the KDI School.
In addition to increased online interaction, we ask that everyone become more active participants in offline alumni events as well.

* Edit Profile: Use this to revise your contact information
(If you click ''Share This Information'' in Edit Profile, your fellow classmates will be able to access your shared files.)
* LIfelong Learning: KDI School e-Education Programs and KDI School''s distance-learning site (LearningWorld.net.)
(Alumni can get discounted fees when accessing all online courses offered by the LearningWorld.net.)
* Career Services: Information on employment opportunities
* Certification Request: Submit your request by e-mail
* Alumni Profiles: View the profiles of other alumni
* Search for Alumni: If you input your classmate''s name, you can fine his/her shared information.

Thank you.