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[NOTICE] Application for Taking a Concentration from a Program Other than Yours

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2005-12-02 00:00
  • Hit705
Dear Class of 2006:

As we have already informed you in our orientation, student who wants to take a concentration from a different program (e.g. A MPP student taking a MBA concentration or a MBA student taking a MPP concentraion) must submit an ''Application for Taking a Concentration from a Program Other than Yours'' to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.

Please be aware of the following:

*Application Submission Period: Feb. 6 - Feb. 10 (by 6 pm)
*Where to get it: Accessable from the Official School Form Board on KDI school website.
*To whom: Ms. YANG, Hye-Jung, The Office of Academic and Student Affairs
※ Please make sure to get the Program Chair''s Signature on the Application Form.

■ Requirements for taking a concentration from a program other than yours:
- Students must take all core courses from the MBA and the MPP programs(9 credits)
(2 core courses from MPP and 1 core course from MBA)
MPP core courses: Analysis of Market and Public Policy and Quantitative Methods
MBA core course: Accounting & Finance or Financial Accounting
- Students must take at least 3 courses from one concentration of the MPP program (9 credits)
- Students must take at least 3 courses from one concentration of the MBA program (9 credits)
- Students must complete at least those 27 credits to declare a second concentration from a different program
- In addition, students wishing to take one concentration from MPP and the other from MBA must complete 9 additional credits (for a total of 36 credits).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. YANG, Hye-Jung (ext.1217, email: yhj@kdischool.ac.kr).
  • pdf 첨부파일 Application for Taking a Concentration from a Program Other than Yours.pdf (140.4KB / Download 547회) Download