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NOTICE: Special Lecture

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2002-11-01 00:00
  • Hit1,215

There will be a special lecture by Professor Robert T. Masson of Cornell University.

If interested, please be in the lobby of the KDI School by 2:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 14. A shuttle bus will be there to transport you to KDI.

-Date/Time: Friday, Nov. 14, 3:00pm~4:30pm
-Venue: KDI Conference Room
-Lecturer: Professor Robert T. Masson (Cornell University)
-Subject: “Equilibrium Risk Pooling May Lead to Vulnerability in Crises''

Curriculum Vitae of Professor Robert T. Masson

Professor. Cornell Univ. (Director, Graduate Studies, Economics) 1983-
President, Industrial Organization Society 2002-2003
Fellow, International Journal of Industrial Organization 1997
Editor, International Journal of Industrial Organization 1987-200
Member, President Carter''s National Commission for Antitrust Laws 1978
Member, President Ford''s Task Group for Antitrust Immunities 1976
Editorial Board (present), Review of Industrial Organization, Managerial and Decision Economics

한국개발연구원은 미국 산업조직학회 회장이자 Cornell 대학의 경제학과 교수이신 Robert T. Masson 교수를 모시고 다음과 같이 초청 세미나를 개최합니다.

주 제: Equilibrium Risk Pooling May Lead to Vulnerability in Crises
     (외환위기와 재벌의 부채관리에 관한 한국산업의 실증분석)

일 시: 11월 14일 (금) 오후 3:00 ~ 4:30

장 소: KDI 중회의실

* KDI로 가는 셔틀버스를 11월14일 오후 2시30분에 운행할 예정입니다.