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2002 Homecoming

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2001-12-09 00:00
  • Hit1,254

To: KDI School Alumni
From: External Relations & Development Affairs
Subject: R.S.V.P for 2002 Homcoming

The KDI School Alumni Association will be officially launched on Friday, October 18th during 2002 Homecoming.
Homecoming will be held at 7:30 p.m. on the 7th floor of the KDI School.
In previous meetings, the representatives from each class decided to form an “Alumni Organization Committee”to better serve the alumni by maintaining a strong network and sense of community even after graduating from KDI School.
Although the Committee is currently composed of Korean alumni, since most of our international alumni do not reside locally, the Committee actively welcomes international students, as well as those who have attended past KDI School programs, to actively take part in the Alumni Association and to attend Homecoming on October 18th.
Please R.S.V.P. to 02-3299-1105 or kjchoi@kdischool.ac.kr by October 12th.
Thank you.

Date: October 18, 2002 (Friday)
Time: 7:30 pm
Venue: Ambassador Hall at KDI School

KDI School Alumni 여러분께,

총동문회장 선출 및 총동문회 결성식을 포함한 Homecoming 행사가 10월18일(금) 오후 7시30분에 대학원 Ambassador Hall에서 개최될 예정입니다.
동문 여러분의 많은 참여바라며, 저녁식사가 제공되어질 예정이니 참여 가능하신분은 10월12일까지 연락주시기 바랍니다.(연락처: 02-3299-1105, kjchoi@kdischool.ac.kr)
