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Thesis Submission

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2003-12-05 00:00
  • Hit899

To : All students Eligible for Thesis Submission
From : Academic and Student Affairs

Students who have not yet graduated should submit their thesis by June 16, 2004

1. Deadline for Submitting Theses: June 16, Wednesday, 2004

Please submit your thesis to your thesis supervisor for evaluation and obtain his/her recommendation at least one month prior to the deadline above.

Once your thesis supervisor has approved your thesis, please submit it to Mr. KIM, Gi-Sang(kgshope@kdischool.ac.kr), in accordance with the following specifications:

2. Items to Submit :
a. 5 copies of thesis (for evaluation) - Please do not bind them.
b. Electronic files of the thesis - Two files: (1) The first file should be titled ''Abstract'', and should contain the title page, abstract, dedications, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures and list of abbreviations; (2) The second file should be named ''Contents,'' and should contain the full text of the thesis, excluding the items in the first file.
c. Thesis Supervisor Recommendaiton for Thesis Evaluation

Note) Please refer to the attached files. You can also download the documents from the following page of our website.
http://www.kdischool.ac.kr/academic/master.asp (Refer to ''Guide to Thesis, SRC and Research Paper'')
(All files for thesis application can be downloaded.)

3. International Students who are not in Korea
a. It is reasonable to assume that you can''t submit them directly. I think you''d better ask your thesis supervisor to sign it and submit them to Academic Affairs on your behalf.
b. If it is impossible for you to submit 5 hardcopies of the thesis, send me an e-mail and attach the thesis. I''ll make the 5 copies. But you should send me a finished copy of your thesis after sufficiently consulting with your thesis supervisor.

4. Thesis Submission Information

- Jun 16(Wed),2004 Deadline for Submission of Masters Degree Thesis (First Round)
* If your thesis is approved by the thesis review committee, you will be eligible to graduate on August 31, 2004.
- Oct. 13(Wed), 2004 Deadline for Submission of Masters Degree Thesis (Second Round)
* If your thesis is approved by the thesis review committee, you will be eligible to graduate on Dec. 10, 2004.

5. After passing the Thesis Evaluation Committee

1) Please make sure that you have written the following names correctly your thesis: (Please note that the quotation marks are only for emphasis and should not be included in the actual names.)

(1) The official name of the KDI School: “KDI School of Public Policy and Management” (If you used the old name previously, please revise it accordingly.)

(2) Official degree names: MPP ? “Master of Public Policy” / MBA ? “Master of Business Administration”

2) Submitting your final thesis

- Please consult with your thesis supervisor to see if you need to make any changes to your thesis.
- Once you have made any necessary revisions, submit your finalized thesis to me (Mr. Kim, Gi-Sang) in digital/electronic format by August 14, 2004.

Please note that when revising your thesis, you should be sure to follow the format outlined in the “Guide to Writing a Thesis and Sample Format for writing a thesis or Sample Thesis Format” (Please refer to the attached files.)


4) Those students who are in currently residing in Korea should have 5 copies of their thesis printed, and submit them to the Academic & Student Affairs Division by August 14, 2004.

- We strongly recommend that Korean students contact KDI Shin Sung Print Shop (Tel: 82-2-957-0221) to print the 5 copies.

For those who wish to use another print office, please be sure that the HARD cover page is printed in the color GREEN, and that the lettering on the page is printed in SILVER.

5) If you are an international student currently living outside of Korea, the KDI School will print your thesis and take care of all printing costs. Please edit your thesis according to the attached files. (Electronic files of the thesis - Two files (Name one of them should be titled ''Abstract'', and should contain the title pages, abstract, dedication, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures and list of abbreviations. The second file should be named ''Contents'', and should contain each chapter.)

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Gi Sang Kim

  • doc 첨부파일 Recommendation from the Thesis Supervisor for Thesis Evaluation-new.doc (21KB / Download 583회) Download