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[NOTICE] Application for a graduation

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2005-12-01 00:00
  • Hit686

Dear All,

Please be informed that those who have completed all their graduation requirements by the 2005 Fall Term are required to apply for a Graduation Eligibility Review.

1. Application Period: Jan. 18 (Wed) ~ Jan. 22 (Sun.)

2. How to Apply:

1) Click on ''KDI School Members'' in the KDI School website (http://www.kdischool.ac.kr/).

2) Login using your Student Number as your ID

3) Click item 3, Applications.

4) Click the item ''Application for Graduation Eligibility Review''

3. Graduation Eligibility:

Students must have fulfilled the following requirements in order to be eligible for graduation :

1) Completed at least 30 regular course credits.


2) Satisfied one of the conditions below during the last term of their second year of study

- Written a thesis
- Taken two SRCs for Graduation
- Taken two lecture courses for Graduation and submitted a Research Paper
- Taken one SRC and one lecture course for Graduation

If you pass the graduation eligibility review, you can graduate from the KDI School by the end of February 2006.
If you have any questions, please let me know.

Gi Sang Kim