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Research Seminar(Yuri Mansury)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2006-11-01 00:00
  • Hit546

o Time : November 16, Friday 12:00 ~ 2:00 p.m.

o Venue : 9705(The 7th floor seminar room)

Measuring the Impact of a Catastrophic Event: Integrating Geographic Information System with Social Accounting Matrix


To measure the general equilibrium impact of a catastrophic event, in this paper I integrate the visualization capability of a Geographic Information System (GIS) with a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) model. I employ GIS to determine the extent of the direct impact, which I then feed into a SAM model to generate region-wide estimates. I apply this framework to estimate the impact of Hurricane Katrina on the production economy and the distribution of income among New Orleans households. I found robust evidence that social services were the hardest-hit sector, and that low-income households were the group that suffered the most in the period immediately after the disaster struck. Finally, I discuss the potential applications of my integrated framework for hazard mitigation policies.