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[July 4] Special Lecture by the Norwegian Minister

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2007-12-06 00:00
  • Hit477
The Royal Norwegian Embassy and the KDI School cordially invite you to a special lecture by Mr. Erik Solheim, the Norwegian Minister of the Environment and International Development. He will give a speech about “Norway: 50 years of development cooperation-lessons learned” on Friday 4 July 2008, 16:00 -17:45. (The reception will start at 15:30) Please RSVP by July 2nd(Wed),2008 to the Royal Norwegian Embassy (Ms. Minna Cho :  cho@mfa.no ) or to the KDI School (Ms.Sanyoung Kim : sykim@kdischool.ac.kr).   [Special Lecture]
Lecturer: Erik Solheim
(The Norwegian Minister of the Environment and International Development)
Subject: Norway: 50years of development cooperation-lessons learned
Time:     16:00 - 17:45
(Reception : 15:30 ? 16:00 / Chunji Hall, KDI School) Date :    July 4, 2008 (Friday)
Venue:   Ambassador Hall, KDI School
  • pdf 첨부파일 KDI invitation_1214529156671.pdf (89.39KB / Download 425회) Download