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The RAND-KDI Ph.D Fellowship Application

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2005-11-01 00:00
  • Hit714

The RAND-KDI Ph.D. Fellowship

The KDI School of Public Policy and Management is pleased to announce the RAND-KDI Fellowship. The fellowship, in the amount of $43,000, is generously being offered by the Pardee Rand Graduate School (PRGS).This will cover the $20,000 tuition and provide a gross stipend of $23,000.

PRGS is a unique combination of exciting coursework and work study with RAND research projects . The RAND-KDI Fellow will complete18 quarter-length courses, pass the Ph.D. qualifying examinations, and write a doctoral dissertation.

The RAND-KDI Fellow will also perform what RGS calls “on-the-job training,” meaning research on RAND projects as part of an interdisciplinary research team with senior RAND mentors. To receive the fellowship, the RAND-KDI Fellow performs at least 60 days of work on RAND projects in the first year, and 155 days in subsequent years (when almost all coursework has been completed).Thus, the typical Ph.D. recipient will accrue almost two years of practical experience en route to the Ph.D.

This scholarship will be guaranteed for four years, or until degree requirements are fulfilled, whichever comes first, so long as the fellow is making satisfactory progress toward completing academic requirements, and fulfilling the employment terms of the fellowship.

The KDI School is responsible for nominating one or two candidates for this Fellowship. All interested KDI School graduates must submit a copy of their completed application and accompanying documents to Mr. Young-Dae, YOO by Friday, December 15, 2006

To be accepted by the RAND Graduate School, applicants need to satisfy the following requirements:

< Eligibility Requirements >

1) Graduated at the top of his/her class at the KDI School

2) Excellent written and spoken English

Please also refer to the application materials below and submit the
involved documents to the Office of Academic & Student Affairs

by December 15, 2006.

< Application Materials >

Candidates must submit a complete application for admission to PRGS by January 10, 2007. Details may be found online at www.prgs.edu. A letter of recommendation from KDI may replace one of the three required letters of recommendation.

1) RAND Application (On-Line)/ (www.prgs.edu)
2) GRE
4) Essay (On-line)
5) Transcript of Academic Records (sealed by KDI School)
6) Two letters of recommendation (sealed by recommenders)
7) A letter of recommendation --> (from KDI School )

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Thank you

Mr. Young-Dae YOO
Office of Academic & Student Affairs
KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Tel 02-3299-1253/ Email: yyd@kdischool.ac.kr

  • hwp 첨부파일 RAND Application Guideline.hwp (26.5KB / Download 540회) Download