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Special Lecture on May 18

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2010-12-05 00:00
  • Hit258
Special Lecture KDI School of Public Policy and Management   Dear students,   I am very pleased to announce an upcoming special lecture for next Wednesday, May 18. Dr. Park Donghyun, a senior economist at ADB (Asian Development Bank), will be giving a talk on “When Fast Growing Economies Slow Down: International Evidence and Implication for China”as below:   ▣ Title: When Fast Growing Economies Slow Down: International Evidence and Implication for China ▣ Lecturer: Dr.Park, Donghyung (Economist, ADB) ▣ Date & Time:  May 18, Wednesday, 12:00-2:00 PM ▣ Venue: Rm. 701 (Ambassador Hall)

FMI, please kindly find attachment Dr. Park’s c.v. and his thesis, which will be presented in the special lecture. Please also note that the thesis recently has been selected as the centerpiece paper for Economics Focus in The Economist.   Pizzas will be served for the audience at 12:00 for an half an hour and RSVP is required as I definitely want a head count.   ▣ How to apply Those who will attend the special lecture, please refer to the information below.
  ① Visit "www.kdischool.ac.kr   ② Log in using your ID and password
  ③ Click KDI School "Members"
  ④ Click “Application” on the left side below “My info”
  ⑤ Click “Application for the School Events”
  ⑥ Click the name of event: Special Lecture by Dr. Park, Donghyun(May 18) "
   and Click ”APPLY/MODIFY”
  ⑦ Click “Next(Save)”
  ⑧ Application Period: May 4(Wed.) ~ 13 (Fri.)
  Danah Lee
(02-3299-1088, dllee@kdischool.ac.kr)
Academic Affairs Division
  • pdf 첨부파일 CV_Dr.Park_ADB.pdf (40.44KB / Download 214회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 w16919.pdf (363.02KB / Download 219회) Download