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2012 Fall Semester Course Registration

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2011-12-07 00:00
  • Hit240

Dear everyone,


Please note that there will be a course registration for 2012 Fall Semester as follows.


  • Course Registration Period: July 23(Mon) 10:00 am ~ July 27(Fri), 10:00 pm


* Please note that you cannot register for courses in the fall semester if you do not complete course evaluations for summer courses that you’re taking.

- Registration will be done through MIS menu in the school website

- The "First Come, First Serve” principle will be applied for course registration.

- Full-time students will be able to register for evening and Saturday courses (except an evening Ph.D. course) from the second day of course registration (July 24, 10:00 am) as part-time students will be given one day priority to register for the evening and weekend courses during the first day of course registration.


  •  Course Add and Drop Period: September 10(Mon) 10:00 am ~ September 15(Sat), 10:00 pm

- Any request for the course add after the course add and drop period will not be accepted.

Please refer to the attached files for the course registration details.


** If there is any change in the course registration, it will be notified on the school website.


Attached files:

01. Course Registration Manual

02. 2012 Fall Semester Course Registration Info

03. 2012 Fall Semester Course List_0713

04. 2012 Fall Semester Course Schedule_0713



Lee, Byung Kwon (Academic Affairs Division)




  • pdf 첨부파일 01_Course Registration Manual [MUST READ].pdf (2.24MB / Download 213회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 02_2012 Fall Semester Course Registration Info.pdf (76.03KB / Download 202회) Download
  • xls 첨부파일 03_2012_Fall_Semester_Course List_0713.xls (54.5KB / Download 206회) Download
  • xls 첨부파일 04_2012_Fall_Semester_Course_Schedule_0713.xls (31.5KB / Download 198회) Download