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7th Special Lecture on Career Development

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2010-12-07 00:00
  • Hit259
Dear Students & Alumnus,   External Relations & Development Division would like to announce that the 7th Special Lecture on Career Development will be held on June 13(Wed), featuring Mr. HA Junsik, the HR manager of Industrial Bank of Korea(2011 MPP/ED) Please note that the lecture will be in Korean this time. Any interested students and alumnus are cordially invited. For the registration, please refer to the information below. 

  #7th Special Lecture on Career Development   ·           Speaker: Junsik HA, Human Resource Manager/ Industrial Bank of Korea ·           Title: Entry Strategy to Financial Industries & the case of Industrial Bank of Korea ·           Date & Time: July 13(Wed), 19:00 ~ 21:00 ·           Venue: #303, KDI School ·           Language: Korean ·           Seat Availability: 30 (first come, first served) ·           Registration & Inquiry: By email only (email: smkang@kdischool.ac.kr)
* Be sure to include your name, major, and entering year in the mail for registration
* Dinner will be provided to those who registration.
External Relations & Development Division