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2014학년도 봄학기 CAMPUS Asia 프로그램 파견학생 모집

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2012-12-07 00:00
  • Hit273


2014학년도 봄학기 CAMPUS Asia 프로그램 파견학생 모집


2014학년도 봄학기 CAMPUS Asia 프로그램 파견학생을 모집합니다. 중국 교육부의 내부 일정으로 인해 오는 7월 14일(일) 2014학년도 봄학기 국비장학금 신청이 마감됩니다. 하여, 불가피하게 2014학년도 봄학기 선발에 지원예정이신 분들은 반드시 이번 중국 국비장학금 신청을 미리 하셔야 2014학년도 봄학기 선발 자격을 얻으실 수 있습니다.



1. 중국 국비장학금 신청 사이트: http://laihua.csc.edu.cn/inscholarship/jsp/student/StudentLogin.jsp.


2. 온라인지원방법

a. 계정생성 후 로그인을 한다.

b. Chinese Government Scholarship을 선택한다.

c. Agency No. 10003과 함께 개인정보를 입력한다.

d. Highest Diploma에는 현재 재학중인 우리대학원이 아닌 최종학력를 입력한다.  

e. Apply for 에는 Visiting Scholar를 선택한다.

f. Duration of the Major Study 에는 2014.2.1 ~ 2014. 7.1 을 입력한다.

g. 작성완료 후 2부를 인쇄한다.


3. 서류제출방법

a. 작성완료된 CSC 지원서 2부 (반드시 서명을 할껄)

b. 최종학력 졸업증명서, 성적증명서

c. 우리학교 재학증명서

d. 증명사진 2장





 지원 기간이 매우 짧은 바, 지원을 원하시는 분들은 지원 전 반드시 학생지원팀과 별도 상담 요청드립니다.


 이번 국비장학금 신청을 하시더라도, 최종선발되는 것은 아니며 추후 우리대학원의 내부선발 및 칭화측 최종선발을 거치셔야 합니다. KDIS 내부선발 및 칭화대 선발의 경우 9월 이후 추후 진행 될 예정입니다.


지원자격 및 프로그램 설명에 대한 자세한 내용은 아래 모집안을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.


- 아 래 -


Please note that KDI School opens a application for CAMPUS Asia program for 2014 spring as below.

*Application for CAMPUS Asia is only for Korean Students.

* Participants will be provided with financial support for living expenses from partner schools.


CAMPUS Asia program started from 2012. Students can take classes and earn credits and/or a degree in China and Japan, sponsored by an inter-governmental scholarship. Designed to promote cooperation among Asian universities, CAMPUS Asia will allow our students to obtain an additional master’s degree while enjoying the rare experience of living and studying in the three Northeast Asian countries.

Partner Schools

1) 1) Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan (Degree, Exchange)

2) 2) School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM), Tsinghua University, China (Exchange only)

▣ Qualification for Candidates

1) 1) At least 24 credits completed including core courses (by the time of application)

2) 2) CGPA of at least 3.5 or above (by the time of application)

3) 3) TOEFL: CBT 213, iBT 79~80, IELTS 6.0 or above (by the time of application)

4) 4) Completion of three terms (five terms for the part-time students) at KDI School (by the time of departure)


Eligibility Requirements for Application

1) Students should apply for both partner schools when they submit the application.

2) Students who pursue degree program will be considered with first priority then just exchange program applicants.

3) However, if there is a vacancy, exchange program applicants for both partner school will be considered.


▣ Application PeriodJuly 14th. 


▣ Program Structure

1) 1) Option 1 : Exchange + Degree

- Exchange program at Tsinghua

- Degree program at GRIPS

2) 2) Option 2 : Exchange + Exchange

- Exchange program at Tsinghua

- Exchange program at GRIPS

* Degree program (Option1) will be considered with first priority


▣ Benefits

1) 1) Credits earned from the partner university can be transferred if the program chair recognizes the equivalency of the courses.

(Maximum 18 Credits)

2) 2) No extra tuition will be charged for partner schools.

3) 3) Participants will be provided with financial support for living expenses from partner schools and airfair from KDI School.

(GRIPS:80,000Yen per month, Dorm fee: Free, Tsinghua: yet to be formally approved by Chinese government)



1) 1) Students who satisfy the KDI School’s internal requirements will be eligible to apply to the partner school. Once students receive

admission from the partner school, they will be considered as CAMPUS Asia program students for the upcoming semester.

2) 2) If you change your decision after the final selection, you will be limited in your opportunities for future international program.

For more details, please contact Ms. HyunJoo Kim at the Student Affairs Division at hj_Kim@kdischool.ac.kr.

* All relevant information is subject to change, including study period and number of applicants.