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Special Lecture on Career Development (Mr. Zoltan Poszar/2002 MPP)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2011-12-02 00:00
  • Hit234
External Relations & Development Division would like to announce that the 1th Special Lecture on Career Development will be held on Feb 29(Wed) 12:00, featuring Mr. Zoltan Poszar(2002 MPP), Economist of International Monetary Fund   Any interested students and alumnus are cordially invited. For the registration, please refer to the information below. 

   #1st Special Lecture on Career Development (Year 2012)   ▣ Date & Time: February 29, Wednesday, 12:00 - 14:00  ▣ Venue         : #303 KDI School Lecturer      : Mr. Zoltan Poszar(2002 MPP)Economist of International Monetary Fund(IMF) Title            : "Entry Strategy & Career Development in Int’l Organization”  Registration   <Enrolled Students>   ① Visit "www.kdischool.ac.kr"
  ② Log in using your ID and password
  ③ Click KDI School "Members"
  ④ Click “Application” on the left side below “My info”
  ⑤ Click “Application for the School Events”
  ⑥ Click “Special Lecture on career development(Mr. Zoltan Poszar)  ”APPLY/MODIFY”
  ⑦ Click “Next(Save)” 

Register by sending email with your School ID, Name and Affiliation to smkang@kdischool.ac.kr

 Application Period:  ~ Feb 28(Tue) 17:00

- Language: English
Seat Availability: 30 (first come, first served)
-  Inquiry: Sungmook Kang(02-3299-1274, smkang@kdischool.ac.kr)


* Refreshment will be provided to those who registered      External Relations & Development Division
  • pdf 첨부파일 Zoltan_Pozsar_CV_2012.pdf (0Byte / Download 212회) Download