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Application for World Bank-KDI School Conference on Fiscal Policy and Management

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2010-11-01 00:00
  • Hit284
WORLD BANK-KDI SCHOOL CONFERENCE ON FISCAL POLICY AND MANAGEMENT is undertaken by the World Bank and the KDI School of Public Policy and Management to give the participants an overview of three critical topics related in fiscal policy-Medium Term Expenditure Framework(MTEF), Public Investment Management(PIM), and Tax Mobilization and Reform- from 14th to 18th of November at 63 Convention Center, Yeouido.   Prestigious fiscal policy experts from academia, government, and international organizations such as Michael Keen from IMF FAD and other WB specialists will be presenters and moderators. The conference hopes to create a forum to facilitate knowledge exchange for policymakers and practitioners, and policy dialogue among the participants from Korea and 12 other countries.   Due to the limited number of seats, we will have a process which selects people by submitted application. Details of all the information can be found in the attached document.   Titles: World Bank-KDI School Conference on Fiscal Policy and Management(1st WB-KDIS Development Forum) Period: Nov. 14 - 18, 2011 (5 days) Venue: Lavender Room(4F), 63 Convention Center(Yeouido) Participants: WB faculties, KDI School students, International participants from East Asia, and Government officials of Korea(MOSF).   * Lunch will be provided. * Participants are recommended not to skip lectures to attend this WB-KDI Conference. Absences will not be compensated by attending the conference.   ▣ How to apply Those who will attend the conference, please refer to the information below.
  ① Visit "www.kdischool.ac.kr"
  ② Log in using your ID and password
  ③ Click KDI School "Members"
  ④ Click “Application” on the left side below “My info”
  ⑤ Click “Application for the School Events”
  ⑥ Click “WB-KDIS Conference (Nov. 14-18) >”APPLY/MODIFY”
  ⑦ Click “Next(Save)” 
  ⑧ Application Period:  ~ Nov. 9 (Wed. by noon)  
  • pdf 첨부파일 Fiscal Forum Agenda_Final vr_1320307559841.pdf (0Byte / Download 239회) Download
  • docx 첨부파일 WB-KDIS_application form_1320307559653.docx (0Byte / Download 236회) Download