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[Special Lecture] Career Opportunities at the UN and UN ESCAP

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2012-12-04 00:00
  • Hit178

Dear Students &Alumnus,


External Relations &Development Division would like to announce that the Special Lecture

will be held on April 26(Fri), school will be hosting a guest speaker from UNESCAP Office.

This lecture is aimed to provide information on career opportunities (including internship,

UN’s job opportunities website, a few different ways of entering into the UN).

Those who wish to join in the UN will surely benefit from the lecture.

Please note that the lecture will be in English. Any interested students and alumnus are

cordially invited.


Speaker: Yuko Kitada, Associate Social Affairs Officer, UN ESCAP

    ?Title:“Career Opportunities at the UN and UN ESCAP

Date&Time: April 26(Friday), 14:00 ~ 15:30

Venue: Ambassador Hall (7thFloor), KDI School

Language: English

Registration: By email only (email: job@kdischool.ac.kr)

* Be sure to include your name, major and entering year in the mail.

* Please make sure to be at the venue by 13:50 to ensure smooth proceedings.

* Refreshments will be served.


If you have any inquiries regarding this lecture, please let us know,

Thank you


External Relations and Development Division


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