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[Notice] Global CRS Conference (11.12~13)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2012-11-01 00:00
  • Hit287

Global CSR Conference 2013

- Corporate Challenges in Asia: Managing Risks while Building a Sustainable Future




Corporate sustainability has become a key element in successful business management today and its importance has been enhanced along with the changes of business environment such as the development of Social Network Service (SNS) and the emergence of an elderly and value-driven society. Many businesses are contributing to solving various social problems in specialized manners through their core business and cooperating more closely with the UN system.

UN Global Compact principles play an important role in promoting the development of corporate sustainability. As the Millennium Development Goals 2015 deadline approaches, the UN development agenda incorporates the capabilities of the private sector, which include innovation
and investment, multi-sector collaboration and a shift to corporate models that link long-term business interests with social and environmental well-being.

Reflecting upon this trend, The Global CSR Conference 2013 is a major opportunity to mobilize and expand the corporate to act on all three pillars of sustainable development - social, economic and environmental. This year’s conference, jointly hosted by UN Global Compact Korea Network and ECOA (Ethics and Compliance Officer Association, will introduce the latest issues on corporate sustainability, share best practices and discuss on the ways to strengthen corporate competitiveness through enhanced corporate sustainability



LINK : http://www.globalcsrconference.com/

Participation Fee : KRW 1,000,000

** KDI School Participants are exempt from the fee payment.

** First come, first served (Limited to 20 people ONLY)




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