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KDI Seminar entitled Korea's Economic Development Experiences and the Role of KDI

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2011-12-06 00:00
  • Hit237

Center for International Development (CID) at Korea Development Institute (KDI) is holding a seminar entitled ‘Korea’s Economic Development Experiences and the Role of KDI’ on Tuesday, June 26th 2012 inviting Prof. David Cole, Former Professor of Harvard University and his wife Dr. Betty Slade, Former Project Coordinator of Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID).


Date and Time: Tuesday, June 26th, PM 15:00 - PM 17:00

 Venue: Seminar Room #203, Main Hall, KDI 

 Speakers: David C. Cole, Former Professor, Harvard University

               Betty F. Slade, Former Project Coordinator at Harvard Institute for International Development


- Implications of Korean economic development experiences and economic development policy

- The role of KDI in the process of Korea’s economic development

- Experiences with financial development in Indonesia and comparing with early Korean experiences


Inquiries: Ms. Ye Rin Park (02-958-4274, Ext. 274)

** Presentation materials will be distributed

  • docx 첨부파일 KDI Seminar_20120626.docx (15.13KB / Download 216회) Download