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[One day Event] Self-Defense Education and Safety Guide by Sejong Police Station(~JUNE 9)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NamePark Minah
  • Date2016-05-25 00:00
  • Hit298

KDI School has an ongoing cooperative program with Sejong Police Station which features useful tips and practical information on personal safety as well as self-defense. The cooperative program with Sejong Police Station offers a chance for students to learn how to stay safe.

Please refer to the following details if you wish to apply for the program.


l  Participants:  Female International Students from KDI School

l  Date : June 17th(Friday)

l  Time: 9:30AM – 11: 50AM

l  Place: 4th Floor, Lincoln Hall, KDI School


  • How to apply for the program

    1. Visit  “mis.kdischool.ac.kr
    2. Click MIS under KDI School Service
    3. Login using your ID and password
    4. Click Apply for Events on the left side of the page, below Training/Event
    5. Click the Query button
    6. Go to
    Safety Guide & Self-Defence Education invitation by Sejong Police Station and Click APPLY/MODIFY
    7. A list of the events will show up.
    (Click on the “
    Safety Guide & Self-Defence Education invitation by Sejong Police Station” and “Save”)
    8.    For the confirmation, click on the Event Application result under the Training/Event
    Application Period: June 2(Thurs) 8:00 AM ~ June 9(Thurs) 22:00 PM

    Please apply during the application DATES and TIMES. Even if the application is opened before June 2nd 8AM, and you save your application, it will NOT be counted. 

Please keep in mind that you should give priority to your academic calendar when applying for this event. If you have any further questions, please contact Ms. Minah PARK at minah_park@kdischool.ac.kr.
Student Affairs Division