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[Korea Transport Institute] Call for Proposals of Regional Transport Research

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameLEE, Hayoung
  • Date2017-06-29 00:00
  • Hit323

The Korea Transport Institute (KOTI) has been implementing the "International Transport and Logistics Cooperation Project" since 2012 in order to enhance Korea's international status and to become a leader of global cooperation framework by sharing Korea's development experiences in transport sector. "Regional Transport Research" aims to provide transport issues on developing countries including current status, pertinent national policies and laws in order to alleviate obstacles (language, lack of basic data) to Korean companies doing overseas businesses.


            -  2013: 'Present and Prospect of Mongolian Railway', 'Analysis on the Structure of the Japanese Railway Industry and Strategies of Overseas Business'

-  2014: ‘Urban Transport Issues and Improvement Plan in Vietnam (Hanoi)’, ‘Improvement Plan of Public Transportation System in Manila, Philippines’, ‘Issues and Improvements of Transport and Logistics in Mongolia’, ‘Analysis and Prospect of Transport System in Dhaka, Bangladesh'

-  2015: 'Regional Transport Infrastructure and Future Demand in Asia', 'Country Partnership Strategies and Projects of Asian Development Bank'

-  2016: 'Establishment of Seamless Eurasia Transport and Logistics Network - Collaborative Efforts and Achievements',' Issues and Implications of BRT in Developing Countries', 'Traffic Situation and Strategy to Participate Public Transportation Project in Vientiane City, Lao PDR', 'Transport Strategy in Tbilisi City, Georgia 'and' Collaborative Efforts to Build an Efficient Transport Network in Eurasia Continent '


Regional Transport Research will call for ideas and papers of selecting country/city aiming at global transport experts from academia or private corporations currently participating overseas business or planning to participate in that. Through this contest via various channels, we expect to be able to grasp the areas and contents that are necessary in reality and to increase its utilization to Korean companies entering overseas markets. We ask for your great interest and participation.


-  Notice period: June 29(Thu) ~ July 14 (Fri), 2017

-  Submission Period: July 10 (Mon) ~ July 14 (Fri), 2017

-  Target Country: 4 countries

  • Myanmar, Nepal (designated)
  • 2 Asian countries (optional) : Excluding some countries previously studied from 2013 to 2016 is recommended

-  Contents: Describe the current status and problems of transport and logistics, the national transport plans established by the local government or the international organization, and future directions of pertinent countries or cities.


· Background of Selecting the country/ Research purpose · Method · Scope · Composition / Table of contents and summary of each paragraph

· Current status and problems (geographical, socio-economic and transport infrastructure characteristics) / government policies and development plans

· Additional information which you might think that it is necessary (case studies, policy suggestions, etc.)

· In particular, focus on traffic statistics, systems and plans.

 ** Please find the attached file for more detailed contents information.

- Inquiry and Submission(email only): Ms. Hyun-Jung LEE, Reseach Associate. (044-211-3291, hyjlee85@koti.re.kr )

※ At the top of the your proposal, "Your name, e-mail, contact number, affiliation" must be specified.

※ The papers submitted will belong to Korea Transport Research Institute.

  • hwp 첨부파일 2017 지역연구 아이디어 및 원고공모.hwp (269.5KB / Download 204회) Download
  • docx 첨부파일 Call for Proposals of Regional transport Research.docx (78.29KB / Download 198회) Download