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[Dormitory Notice] Room Change & Single Room Application (Sep 12~13)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NamePark Minah
  • Date2018-09-10 00:00
  • Hit327
Dear KDIS Dormitory Residents, 
I would like to inform that 2018 FALL Semester Room Change process is now open earlier than the planned and the request form is available as an attached file. Please read carefully the following steps.

1. Room Change Application

This opportunity allows the students to swap rooms with each other, as long as both parties agree and meet the guidelines below. Please read carefully the following steps. 

 Step 1. Discuss with both your current and prospective roommate about the room swap.
 Step 2. Fill out the Room Change Request Form as an attached file, and have both your current and prospective roommates signatures.
         ** Please note that the form should fully explains your specific reasons and situation, since the school’s approval will solely depend on your application.  
 Step 3. Please submit the form in pdf file to Ms. Minah Park (dormitory@kdischool.ac.kr) in the Student Affairs Division.
 Step 4. Wait for a confirmation e-mail and change your room during the designated period. 
         ** If you would like to change your rooms but no one to ask for room swap, please leave the blank in prospective roommate.

   ** Rules and Policies for the Room Change **

  1) You MUST get the agreements and signatures from all the related parties (current and prospective roommates).
  2) Please understand that submitting a proper form does not guarantee a room change as it could be extremely difficult to accommodate every request.
  3) For this reason, the school does not recommend applying for a change based on a personal preference or a lifestyle difference.
  4) Once you change rooms, you are not allowed to change them again. Any room changes without the school’s permission is strictly prohibited.
  5) Before you check out, you should clean your room to how it was when you checked in before.
  6) You are NOT allowed to move into a vacant room.
  7) Move-in and out period: Sep 15(Sat) ~ Sep 16(Sun) 



 2. Single Room Application

 Single rooms are extremely popular and are thus hard to come by. The rooms are available on a first-come and first-served basis. Applying for single room means you will be responsible for the single room rate starting from either Sep 15 or Sep 16 depending on your room change date.

   - Double Room: 6,000 KRW per day / 180,000 KRW for 30 days
  - Single Room: 12,000 KRW per day / 360,000 KRW for 30 days

   ▶ Move-in and out period: Sep 15(Sat) ~ Sep 16(Sun)  
  ▶ Period of Residence: ~ December 7(Fri), 2018
  ▶ How to Apply
      1. Visit “www.kdischool.ac.kr“
      2. Log in using your ID and Password.
      3. Click the “MIS” on the right hand side of the KDI School Service menu
      4. On the menu bar on the left, click on “Apply for Events” under “Registration”
      5. Click the “Query” button
      6. Click the “Single Room Application for 2018 FALLr"
      7. Click “Save”



*** Application Period: September 12 (Wed) 00:00 ~ September 13 (Thur) 23:59 ***


Applicants will be notified by September 14(Fri.)  whether or not they accepted for a room change. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions regarding the room change.

Should you have further inquiry, please email to dormitory@kdischool.ac.kr

Student Affairs Division
  • docx 첨부파일 Request for Dormitory Room Change Form.docx (12.04KB / Download 255회) Download