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[KDI Healthcare Room] How dangerous is find dust to our health?

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameTaesub Kim
  • Date2019-02-07 00:00
  • Hit336

[KDI Healthcare Room: Health Information for February, 2019]


Today, I am sharing some information about how to protect our health from find dust, known as a Secret Killer, Group 1 Carcinogen, which contributes to various respiratory diseases.



How bad does each grade mean?


    -   Bad: It is equal as you are standing in the middle of the tunnel where thousands of cars are going through


    -   Very Bad: It is equal as you are sitting in a smoking booth


    -   Even Ultrafine Dust is Bad: This is even more dangerous than smoking or malaria


From an experiment on mice, the researchers found that find dust significantly contributed to developing inflammation in the brain as well as a heart attack.



How can we protect us from find dust?


-   Put a Mask on


      Please don’t go out if there is a find dust . If necessary, make sure you put on a fine dust mask approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Do not wash the mask and reuse them. Also, minimize the exposure to the find dust by wearing long sleeves, hat or scarf.


-   Wear Glasses instead of Contact Lenses


      Fine dust can cause inflammation in your eyes so avoid wearing contact lenses if possible.


-   Drink a lot of Water


      By hydrating your body from drinking plenty of water, it can help remove find dust out of your body.


-   Take a Shower


      After coming back home, make sure to take a shower to get rid of all find dust off your body.


-   Keep the Window Closed


      By closing the window, don’t let the find dust enter into your room. It is a good idea to use an air purifier to keep the indoor air clean.


-   Eat Fruits and Vegetables


      Vitamin B & C and folic acids help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation by antioxidant effects on your body.


Find Dust has detrimental effects on our health. Please limit your outdoor activities if there is a find dust .


Thank you.