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[Notice] No Saturday Shuttle Bus Service (Until June 18 )

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameYoon, Haein
  • Date2020-04-28 00:00
  • Hit482

Dear students,


Due to the spread of COVID-19, KDI School will continue a live streaming service (Zoom) during the first 6 weeks of this Summer smester.

Therefore, please note that the Sautrday shuttle bus between Seoul and Sejong will not be provided until June 18.


※ Summer semester : 5.11(Mon.) ~ 8.1(Sat.)

   (1) 1st session (5.11~6.18) : 6 weeks (online)

   (2) 2nd session (5.11~8.1) : 6 weeks (TBD)

   (3) 12 weeks course (5.11~8.1) : 6 weeks (online) + 6 weeks(TBD)


The Saturday shuttle bus service will be operate again from the first Satuday of 2nd session, June 27.

However, the period of continuing online lectures may vary depending on the goverment's guidelines of Social distancing and the trend of COVID-19-related proliferation.


In this case, the service might not be offered following the conclusion of school.



We will update you when further information is available.

Thank you for your understanding.



Academic Affairs Division