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[Notice] 2020 Summer POS Committee Application (by June 20)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameYANG, Soo-Young
  • Date2020-06-09 00:00
  • Hit803

Dear Students, (Korean will follow)


This is a notification for students who want to submit their Program of Study (POS) Committee Application in this 2020 summer semester.


If you are a full-time student in the second semester or a part-time student in the fourth semester, you should submit the POS Application Form in the 2020 summer semester. 

You are required to submit this form before submitting your final research project (one semester before for an SRP/ELP and two semesters before a thesis/capstone at the latest).


Kindly note that the submission period for your POS Committee Application runs from Monday, June 15 to Saturday, June 20, 2020.


 To apply, please refer to the [attachment 1].

Late submissions will not be accepted barring exceptional cases.


Those who miss the deadline will be advised to submit the application in the 2020 fall semester (September).


For the POS composition, please contact a professor at KDIS in advance (one professor if you wish to write an SRP/ ELP, two professors if you wish to write a thesis/capstone project) who works in the area of your research field and invite him/her to be the supervisor for your research paper. 

*We recommend to choose from a tenure-faculty.


For more information about the Research Project Type and faculty information, please visit:http://www.ekdis.ac.kr/course/view.php?id=2979


Please note that once you submit the form, it is difficult to make any changes.

If any changes are needed, you will be asked to get the approval from both current and proposed committee members.

It is, therefore, essential to fill out the form with great care before submitting it to the Academic Affairs Division.  


If you have any questions, please contact at rp@kdis.ac.kr



Best regards,


Academic Affairs Division


KDIS 학생 여러분 안녕하세요?

2020 여름학기 POS 신청 안내드립니다.


- 신청대상: 주간 2학기(이상) 재학생, 야간 4학기(이상) 재학생

    * 모든 학생들(GMP, 수자원공사 포함) POS 구성 필수

   * 2020 봄학기 GMP 신입생 , 1+1 프로그램 지원 예정이며 Advanced ELP 작성을 희망하는 경우

   & 2+3+1 프로그램 지원 예정이며 Academic/Essay ELP 작성을 희망하는 경우. 이번 여름학기에 POS 구성 필수

- 신청기간: 6.15()-6.20()

  * 기한 이후 접수 자는 2020 가을학기 접수 안내 예정

  * SRP/ELP: 최종 페이퍼 제출 최소 1학기 , Thesis/Capstone: 최종 페이퍼 제출 최소 2학기

- 신청방법: [Attachment 1] 참고하여 MIS 통해 신청

- 신청내용: Research Project 타입, 제목, Abstract, 지도교수

- Research Project Type, 교수님 리스트 안내 페이지 POS 구성 세부사항은 하단 링크 참조


- 신청 전에 교수님께 미리 연락하여 사전 승인 받으시기 바랍니다.

- 한번 구성 변경 어려우므로 신중하게 결정하여 신청 부탁드립니다.


문의사항이 있으시면 rp@kdis.ac.kr 언제든지 연락주시기 바랍니다.


  • pdf 첨부파일 [Attachment 1] POS Submission Manual.pdf (1.06MB / Download 387회) Download