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Regulations on Excused Absence of Classes for COVID-19 Prevention

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameLEE, Byung-Kwon
  • Date2020-02-26 00:00
  • Hit423

Regulations on Excused Absence of Classes for COVID-19 Prevention


Maximum limit of Excused Absence

: Up to one-sixth of the class hours (Article 18, Enforcement Rule of Statues)


Accepted Circumstances


General circumstances

- Illness, Army reserve training, Official business trips, Employment interviews, Official activities requested by scholarship supporting organizations


Exceptional circumstances for COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control

- Confirmed patient / Quarantined person

- If you have contacted with confirmed patient within 14 days

- If you have visited China within 14 days

- Residents and visitors of Special Care Zone (Daegu, Cheongdo)

- If kindergarten, daycare, or elementary school is closed and you need to care your children

- If you have suspicious symptoms (until the symptoms get checked)

·You should apply for excused absence and get the symptoms checked ASAP.


Other circumstances will be examined by the Academic Affairs


Process for Applying for an Excused Absences

1) Ask to the Academic Affairs regarding your circumstances and apply for an excused absence.

2) Fill out an application form and obtain your course professor’s approval.

3) Submit the application form and documented evidences to the Academic Affairs.


                                 Academic Affairs Division


코로나-19 관련 공결 승인 공지


공결범위: 수업일수의 1/6까지 허용(학칙시행규칙 제18)




- 주요사유: 질병, 예비군 훈련, 출장, 면접, 장학기관 공식행사


코로나19 관련 사유

- 확진자 및 격리자

- 14일 내 확진환자 접촉

- 14일 내 중국방문 경력

- 특별관리지역(대구, 청도) 거주자 및 방문자

- /휴교 등으로 자녀 돌봄이 필요한 경우

- 의심 증상이 있을 경우 (증상 확진 시까지)

·공결 신청 후 최대한 빠른 시간 내 검진


기타: 사유 이외의 사항은 교학팀 검토 후 공결 승인 결정



교학팀에 공결을 신청하여 담당자가 사유 검토

공결신청서 작성 및 해당과목 교원에게 승인

승인받은 공결신청서 및 증빙서류를 담당자에게 제출

