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Live stream classes extended for an additional two weeks (~ Mar. 31st Tue.)

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameKim, Boyoung
  • Date2020-03-12 00:00
  • Hit469

Thanks to the cooperation of the faculty and the students, we have successfully run all courses via live-streaming for the past week. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 epidemic has not yet subsided. The school has decided therefore to extend the live-streaming classes for additional two weeks, or until Tuesday, March 31st

Students having trouble streaming classes or requiring assistance should visit the Teaching and Learning Division. We have a limited number of laptops and tablets for your use, as well as LAN cables for a more stable connection available for rental. 

Please write to tld@kdis.ac.kr if you have any inquiries or call any of the following numbers:

Keun-Hyuk Lim (임근혁): 044 - 550 - 1108

Sora Son (손소라): 044 - 550 - 1044

Boyoung Kim (김보영): 044 - 550 - 1140


Thank you for your understanding.