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Quarantine Instructions for 2021 Summer Semester

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NamePark, Jinjoo
  • Date2021-03-29 00:00
  • Hit934

Dear 2021 Spring International Students,


KDI School hope you are all well and safe, despite the many challenges in the world.

As mentioned previously, we would like to share some important information today including the quarantine plans for 2021 Summer Semester.


1. Every student should arrive Korea during a designated period: March 3 (Mon) – 9 (Sun), 2021. 

You may arrive before or after the designated period. As the Summer Semester starts from May 24th (Mon), please note that if you arrive later than May 9th, you will be in quarantine during the summer semester classes.


2. Please complete the survey by March 31, Wednesdayhttps://forms.gle/s7Ez3AnY7WmurRNf7


Also, please look through the attached quarantine instructions file carefully as it includes every single information including pre-entry requirement and arrival procedures.

The information includes:

- For the total cost for mandatory quarantine fees, you can choose either option A (accommodation only; KRW 1,190,000) or option B (accommodation with pick-up service; KRW 1,320,000). Please find the page 6 on the attached file for more information.


- The full amount of quarantine fees at a off-campus facility in Seoul must be paid by the students in principle. 

  Since the amount is huge, KDI School will make your cost for quarantine be deducted from your monthly stipends if you agree to the consent form for mandatory self-quarantine instructions 2021 Summer. 


- KDI School will provide additional settlement allowance of KRW 450,000 for students after quarantine. 


- You must send copies of your e-Ticket and your PCR test results, confirming a negative result to studentaffairs@kdis.ac.kr before your departure.


- You should make a reservation for your quarantine facility after your VISA and flight schedule are confirmed so that you can quarantine for 14 days upon arrival at a designated off-campus facility in Seoul. We will provide a reservation link soon.


After creating your Kakaotalk ID, please join us by adding Student Affairs Division channel: http://pf.kakao.com/_KUbrK


Lastly, as specified in the Certificate of Scholarship, students are only to be provided with a monthly stipend if they are in Korea and on campus. 

However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, KDI School made an exception for the Spring 2021 semester to provide monthly stipends for students taking online classes overseas. 

Starting from May 2021, the monthly stipend will not be provided to the students residing overseas while taking classes remotely.

Students who cannot travel to Korea due to unavoidable circumstances such as travel restrictions, visa or flight suspensions must provide an official documentation. 

Only the students with such documentation can (a) take a leave of absence or (b) take classes remotely and travel to Korea in the middle of semester when the travel restrictions are lifted.


Please feel free to email us at studentaffairs@kdis.ac.kr if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.


Best regards,

Student Affairs Division

KDI SCHOOL of Public Policy and Management

263 Namsejong-ro, Sejong 30149, Korea

  • pdf 첨부파일 Quarantine Instructions for 2021 Summer Semester_final_0331.pdf (1.33MB / Download 453회) Download