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The updates of COVID-19 in Korea as of March 2 from KCDC

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameKim, Yeonji
  • Date2020-03-03 00:00
  • Hit387
The updates of COVID-19 in Republic of Korea from Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention(KCDC)
As of March 2, 2020



○ From 16:00, March 1, 2020 to 0:00, March 2, 2020, 476 additional cases are confirmed, which brings in total number of cases to 4,212.

* 2 cases (male born in 1987, female born in 2015) will be discharged.

** 4 cases (male born in 1939, male born in 1949, male born in 1955, female born in 1934) passed away.


○ The regional distribution of the total confirmed cases are as follows.


○ The total of 4,212 cases are classified by the clusters and the regions as follows.


○ As shifting the strategy from containment to mitigation, KCDC has released the 7th edition of COVID-19 protocol and guideline as effective the beginning on 2 March.


○ For confirmed cases, the case management team at local government composed of medical staff has classified a severity level of 4, and cases with higher severity will be hospitalized ly at negative pressure room or infectious disease designated hospital. Cases who have low necessity for inpatient treatment but need to be isolated for the purpose of minimizing the transmission and monitoring will be provided with medical support at ‘Life treatment center’ which set up at each region.


○ Medical staff will be assigned at ‘Life treatment center’ to monitor the health status of the cases in the center on a regular basis. If medical staff determines that inpatient treatment is needed, cases will be hospitalized ly. If symptoms improve even while in hospital, the cases is discharged first. And they are transfer to Life treatment center or take care at home as determined by the doctor and the patient management group. The local government select facilities to designate the ‘Life treatment center’ which get a medial support from nearby hospital at each city and province. This system operates from Daegu city in the first place.


○ KCDC emphasized the importance of personal hygiene practice and social distancing. It is critical that the public follows the guidance for COVID-19 prevention, such as washing hands with soap and running water and covering mouth and nose with elbow when coughing.


○ Furthermore, anyone having fever or respiratory symptoms should avoid having in contact with others, visiting a crowded place, or attending religious gatherings. High-risk group, such as the elderly over 65 year old, people with underlying chronic conditions, and pregnant women, is advised not to visit a crowded place.


○ When developing fever or respiratory symptoms, it is recommended not to go to school or work and avoid any outdoor activities. Such people should stay home and monitor the symptoms for 3-4 days. When high fever (>38°C) continues or the symptoms get worse, they should ① consult with KCDC Call Center at 1339 (or local code+120) or ② visit a triage health center. They should also wear a mask and use a personal vehicle when visiting a triage health center.



Source: Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention(KCDC)



  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(March2)_Afternoon.pdf (102.25KB / Download 310회) Download