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The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of March 19 from KCDC (+152)

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameKim, Yeonji
  • Date2020-03-19 00:00
  • Hit436
The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of March 19 from Korea Centers for Diesease Control & Prevention (KCDC)
As of March 19, 2020



○ As of 0:00, March 19 2020, the total number of confirmed cases is 8,565, of which 1,947 cases have been discharged from isolation. Newly confirmed cases are 152 in total.





○ Epidemiological links have been found for 80.8% of the total cases; 19.2% are either under investigation or sporadic cases. More details on the epidemiological links within each province or city are shown in Table 2. Weekly trend of imported cases by period and region of origin is provided in Figure 1.


○ From Guro-gu call center in Seoul, 4 additional cases (2 from the 11th floor, 2 contacts) were confirmed. The current total is 139 confirmed cases since March 8.


○ From Grace River Church in Gyeonggi Province, 9 additional cases were confirmed. The current total is 64 confirmed cases since March 9. Contact tracing is underway.


○ From Bundang Jesaeng Hospital in Gyeonggi Province, 4 additional cases were confirmed. The current total of 35 confirmed cases since 5 March (20 staff, 5 patients in inpatient care, 2 discharged patients, 4 guardians of patients, 4 contacts outside the hospital). The 144 staff members who were found to have visited the hospital’s Wing no. 81 (where many confirmed cases emerged) were tested, 3 of whom tested positive.


○ From Baesung Hospital in Daegu, 8 cases (2 staff, 6 patients in inpatient care) have been confirmed in total since 16 March. The confirmed patients have been referred to another hospital and are under cohort isolation.


○ In Daegu, every person at high-risk facilities is being tested. 7 additional cases have been confirmed from 5 nursing homes.


○ A 17-year-old male patient died on 18 March after suffering fever and deteriorating respiratory symptoms. After several tests by the KCDC and multiple university hospitals, COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing Management Committee conclusively determined the patient to be COVID-19 negative.


○ In light of the recent rapid rise in the number of COVID-19 cases in Europe, the U.S., and the Middle East region, as well as the rise in the number of imported cases found both at airport quarantine and in communities, the KCDC announced that the Special Entry Procedure has been extended to all travelers arriving at port beginning at 0:00 of 19 March. Upon entering Korea, all travelers are required to respond to a questionnaire, get checked for fever, provide a domestic address and confirmed contact information at port entry, and report their symptoms daily for the next 14 days via the self health check mobile app (“Self-Diagnosis”) on their mobile device. Travel histories of all travelers entering Korea will be provided to healthcare providers via the International Traveler Information System for reference. The names of all entrants will be provided to local public health centers for a more active monitoring of potential imported cases for the first 14 days upon their arrival.


○ The KCDC also strongly recommended that all non-urgent international travel plans be canceled or postponed. Persons who are unable to avoid traveling for a critical reason are advised to refrain from visiting any enclosed facilities or healthcare facilities. Upon entering Korea, they should voluntarily disclose any symptoms and their international travel history and follow appropriate guidelines and instructions, including minimizing movement and interpersonal contact for 14 days. In particular, the KCDC urged travelers arriving from Europe or the U.S. to strictly follow the self-quarantine protocol, in light of the recent rise in confirmed cases in these regions.


○ The KNIH is currently conducting a study of clinical epidemiology and immunology of COVID-19 patients and hopes that its findings will inform infection prevention policies.


○ In light of the continued emergence of outbreaks in healthcare facilities, call centers, and church clusters, the KCDC stressed the importance of strengthening prevention management for such community facilities. The KCDC urged people to refrain from attending crowded places or religious gatherings and recommended that workplaces actively encourage and enable employees to work remotely from home.


○ The KCDC again reminded everyone that personal hygiene and social distancing practices are effective measures to prevent infections. Any person who suspect onset COVID-19 symptoms are advised to call the KCDC call center (1339) or local call centers (area code + 120), ask a local public health center, or visit a screening facility, before visiting a regular healthcare provider directly. All persons who visit a screening center should arrive wearing a mask and in their own car if possible.


○ Acknowledging the growing anxiety, fatigue, and stress felt by the public as the outbreak prolongs, the KCDC reminded citizens of mental health and psychological care support available for patients and their families as well as those who have been discharged from isolation, and asked citizens to seek professional help when needed.






○ Regional distribution of total confirmed cases:



○ Cases distribution and incidence rate by region:



○ Case distribution by gender and age group:



○ Cases trends by region:



Source: Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention(KCDC)



  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(March19)_morning.pdf (313.31KB / Download 293회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(March19)_Afternoon.pdf (124KB / Download 289회) Download