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The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of March 20 from KCDC (+87)

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameKim, Yeonji
  • Date2020-03-20 00:00
  • Hit423
The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of March 20 from Korea Centers for Diesease Control & Prevention (KCDC)
As of March 20, 2020



○ As of 0:00, March 20 2020, the total number of confirmed cases is 8,652, of which 2,233 cases have been discharged from isolation. Newly confirmed cases are 87 in total.




○ Regional distribution of total confirmed cases:



○ Case distribution and incidence rate by region:



○ Cases trends by region:



○ Case distribution by gender and age group:




○ Pediatric case distribution:





○ From Guro-gu call center in Seoul, 7 additional cases (11th floor = 2; contacts = 5) were confirmed. The current total is 146 confirmed cases since March 8. (11th floor = 89; 10th floor = 1; 9th floor = 1; contacts = 54)


○ From Bundang Jesaeng Hospital in Gyeonggi Province, 5 additional cases were confirmed. The current total of 40 confirmed cases since March 5. (Hospital staff = 22; patients = 7; family/caregivers of patients = 6; contacts outside the hospital = 5)


○ In Daegu, every person at high-risk facilities is being tested. 10 additional cases have been confirmed from 3 convalescent hospitals.


○ In light of the recent surge in the number of COVID-19 cases in the European region including Italy, Spain, France, the U.K., as well as the rise in the number of imported cases found both at airport quarantine and in local communities (total imported cases = 86; imported cases from Europe = 50), stronger entry procedures will be implemented from March 22 for persons traveling from Europe. All persons arriving from Europe will be required to answer a questionnaire on their health condition, get checked for fever, and get tested after being escorted to an appropriate facility — quarantine facility for persons with symptoms and designated temporary living facilities for those without symptoms. Those whose test comes out positive will either be moved a hospital or a Life Treatment Center based on the severity level assessed for each case. In principle, Korean citizens or resident aliens who test negative go into self-quarantine at their place of residence. Those without a place of residence in Korea will be quarantined at a facility. Foreigners who are temporarily staying in Korea for a short time will subject to active monitoring during their stay in Korea. Travel histories of all travelers entering Korea will be provided to healthcare providers via the International Traveler Information System for reference. The names of all entrants will be provided to local public health centers for a more active monitoring of potential imported cases for the first 14 days upon their arrival.


○ The KCDC also strongly recommended that all non-urgent international travel plans be canceled or postponed. Persons who are unable to avoid traveling for a critical reason are advised to refrain from visiting any enclosed facilities or healthcare facilities. Upon entering Korea, they should voluntarily disclose any symptoms and their international travel history and follow appropriate guidelines and instructions, including minimizing movement and interpersonal contact for 14 days.


○ In light of the continued emergence of outbreaks in healthcare facilities, call centers, and church clusters, the KCDC stressed the importance of strengthening prevention management for such community facilities. The KCDC urged people to continue to follow social distancing and personal hygiene practices. To minimize contact with other people, attending religious gatherings or visiting any place with a lot of people in an enclosed space should be refrained. The KCDC also recommended that workplaces enable and actively encourage employees to use remote working options. Those with fever or respiratory symptoms should refrain completely from going to work or school and watch their symptoms or the next 3-4 days.


○ Any person who suspect onset COVID-19 symptoms are advised to call the KCDC call center (1339) or local call centers (area code + 120), ask a local public health center, or visit a screening facility, before visiting a regular healthcare provider directly. All persons who visit a screening center should arrive wearing a mask and in their own car if possible.


○ In a recent survey, 58.4% of respondents said they have heard hate speech related to COVID-19 within the last week, and 62.6% said they fear the blame or discrimination they might face if they become infected. KCDC reminded everyone that COVID-19 is an infectious disease that can affect anyone and that infection shouldn’t be grounds for blame or social stigma. The KCDC asked citizens to send warm regards and encouragement to those who are affected by the virus, including confirmed patients and their families, people under self-quarantine, and recovered patients. Excess blame can cause patients to suffer the aftermath of psychological trauma even after recovering from the infection. Such a culture can potentially result in people refusing to be tested for the fear of social stigma, causing in turn more infection to spread to local communities. The transparent, timely disclosure of infection-related information is provided for the purpose of infection prevention only, as it helps to find potential cases unable to be traced by epidemiological investigation by informing those who may have been exposed to the virus. The KCDC asked reporters and others to refrain from citing or reporting on privacy-sensitive information or information that can identify the patient.



Source: Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention(KCDC)



  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(March20)_Afternoon.pdf (179.28KB / Download 302회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(March20)_morning.pdf (323.27KB / Download 293회) Download