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The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of April 2 from KCDC (+89)

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameKim, Yeonji
  • Date2020-04-02 00:00
  • Hit442
The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of April 2 from Korea Centers for Diesease Control & Prevention (KCDC)
As of April 2, 2020



○ As of 0:00, April 2, 2020, the total number of confirmed cases is 9,976 (including 601 imported cases), of which 5,828 cases have been discharged from isolation. Newly confirmed cases are 89 in total.






○ Regional distribution of total confirmed cases:



○ Case distribution and incidence rate by region:



 ○ Daily cases trends by region:



○ Case distribution by gender and age group:




○ Incidence rate by age group (per 100,000):



○ Weekly trend of imported cases:



○ Epidemiological links have been found for 83.3% of the total cases; 10.7% are either under investigation or sporadic cases. More details on the epidemiological links within each province or city are shown in Table 1.


○ From Asan Medical Center is Songpa-gu, Seoul, no additional case has been confirmed with COVID-19 other than the 1 case confirmed on March 31. Disinfection of the patient’s routes in the hospital and management of contacts are underway.


○ In Daegu, from Second Mi-Ju Hospital, 12 new cases have been confirmed. From Daesil Convalescent Hospital, 1 new case was confirmed. From Hansarang Convalescent Hospital, 2 new cases were confirmed, bringing the total from the hospital to 123 confirmed cases.


○ From Uijeongbu St. Mary’s Hospital in Gyeonggi Province, 9 additional cases were confirmed. In total, 22 cases (patients = 10; staff/workers = 7; family/visitors = 5) have been confirmed since March 29. Further epidemiological investigation is underway.


○ From Wings Tower Spa and Fitness in Gyeongnam Province, 7 cases have been confirmed since March 28. (The figure on Table 1 may differ as the table is based on data reported to KCDC before 0:00 of April 2, 2020.)


○ Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases around the world and the rise in imported cases, Korea implemented stronger infectious disease control measures for inbound travelers starting April 1.




○ All Koreans and foreigners residing in Korea arriving from all overseas countries will be subject to mandatory self-quarantine (home quarantine) for 14 days upon entry. Foreigners on a short-term visit will be subject to facility quarantine and pay for the use of the facility. Exceptions to self-quarantine will be applied only for limited cases with valid reasons for exemption (such as a matter of public/national interest). The exempt persons will still be subject to testing and active monitoring.


○ Persons arriving from overseas should return home straight after arriving at the airport. They should travel in their own vehicle or designated airport limousine bus or designated KTX train (reserved specifically for this purpose). They are required to sanitize their hands and wear a facemask during movement.


○ The persons under self-quarantine are required to follow the self-quarantine guidelines provided. They must not share their utensils, towels and other personal belongings with their family, refrain from coming in contact with family members, roommates, or cohabitants. Family members, roommates, or cohabitants should wear a facemask and keep 2 meter distance from the person under self-quarantine, ventilate the living space frequently, and clean all frequently touched surfaces often. If they notice suspected symptoms develop (fever, cough, sore throat, muscle pain, shortness of breath, etc.) they must contact the designated public official or use the self-quarantine app to notify their symptoms and go to a screening center to be tested.


○ All persons who arrived in Korea from overseas within the last 14 days, even if they are not subject to mandatory self-quarantine, should stay home as much as possible, minimize contact with other people, maintain strict personal hygiene (washing hands, covering sneezes/coughs, etc.) to prevent infecting family members or those sharing living spaces, and call to ask a local public health center, KCDC call center (1339) or local call centers (area code + 120) to be tested at a screening center, and disclose their international travel history to the healthcare professionals.


○ The Ministry of Health and Welfare and KCDC announced that they have selected the Yonsei University’s University Industry Foundation as the head of the project for the “Vaccine Technology Research and Development Project”. State fund of 215.1 billion won will be invested for 10 years (2020-2029). The Project will conduct research on the entire cycle of vaccine development process from discovery of candidate substances to clinical trials. It will also support the development of COVID-19 vaccines, including support for follow-up of clinical and non-clinical studies.


○ KNIH is working on clinical research for the application of COVID-19 treatment with the supplementary budget secured on March 31. The clinical research includes analysis of the effects of hydroxychloroquine, calletra, and others on COVID-19. KNIH plans to actively pursue research to derive useful results that can meet the needs of the healthcare field.


○ The Korean government is promoting the Enhanced Social Distancing campaign from March 22 to April 5. The KCDC is advising limited operation of high-risk facilities, businesses and sectors and advising people to stay home and refrain from going outside, and minimize contact with coworkers at work. The KCDC again urged people to continue to refrain from attending religious gathering, going to indoor fitness or sports facilities, or otherwise engaging in activities that make it easy to come in close contact with other people in an enclosed space, and maintain good personal hygiene including washing hands and covering coughs/sneezes.


○ For example, 4 confirmed cases from SaengMyeongSu Church cluster were preschool workers, but further spread was prevented because the temporary closure of the preschool. As another example, some people who were involved in preparing for online streaming of worship at Manmin Central Church were infected with COVID-19, but the number of cases could have been higher if the church had decided to have in-person worship instead. Social Distancing worked to prevent or limit virus infection in both cases.





[Table 1: Regional distribution and epidemiological links of the confirmed cases]



[Table 2: Age distribution of severe cases]



Source: Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention(KCDC)




  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(April2)_morning.pdf (406.11KB / Download 309회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(April2)_Afternoon.pdf (328.81KB / Download 322회) Download