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The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of July 13 from KCDC (+62)

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameKim, Yeonji
  • Date2020-07-13 00:00
  • Hit583
The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of July 13 from Korea Centers for Diesease Control & Prevention (KCDC)
As of July 13, 2020


○ As of 0:00, July 13 2020, the total number of confirmed cases is 13,479 (including 1,872 imported cases), of which 12,204 cases have been discharged from isolation. There are 19 new local cases, 43 new imported cases, and 0 new deaths.



○ Regional distribution of total confirmed cases:



○ Case distribution by region:









○ Distribution by gender and age group:



○ Death by gender and age group:






○ Imported cases in Korea (as of 0:00, July 13, 2020)



□ The KCDC analyzed last two weeks’ COVID-19 control situation along with risk factors.

○ The routes of transmission of the last two weeks indicate imported cases (42.7%) and local clusters (35.5%) account for a high proportion of new cases. The percentage of cases with uncertain routes of transmission (under investigation) was 9.4%, slightly smaller compared to 14 June ~ 27 June.

* New confirmed cases in the last 2 weeks, categorized by route of transmission (722 reported cases between 30 June 0:00 ~ 13 July 0:00) : imported cases 308 (42.7%), local clusters 256 (35.5%), under investigation 68 (9.4%), etc.

- In the case of local clusters: local clusters in the Seoul metropolitan area are decreasing, but local clusters continue to arise in the Honam and Chungcheong regions, centered around door-to-door sales, religious facilities, social gatherings, publicly used facilities, long-term care facilities, and educational facilities.



○ Analyzing the age of confirmed cases for the last 2 weeks, the percentage of confirmed individuals in their 20s and 30s increased to 36%, while the percentage of confirmed individuals who were in their 50s or above was shown to be 40.8%.

○ Weekly new confirmed cases in the last 4 weeks, by age group



□ In response to the recent imported cases, the Central Disease Control Headquarters will continue to analyze the COVID-19 situation in other countries and formulate practical response plans to prevent importation of cases from abroad.


○ Daily new confirmed cases in the world (as of 12 July, WHO) is at 201,009* cases and is consistently increasing.

* (Daily new confirmed cases) 2,125 (1 February) → 1,232 (1 March) → 72,045 (1 April) → 83,271 (1 May) → 104,195 (1 June) → 169,401 (1 July)


○ Daily new confirmed cases in the world by continent (as of 12 July, WHO) indicates Americas (114,902 cases (57.2%)) and Asia (40,781 cases (20.3%)) in the two highest case-count continents.


<COVID-19 in Major Countries>



○ Analyzing confirmed cases and deaths in other countries,

- The 5 countries with the highest confirmed cases per 100,000 people were Qatar (3,837), Bahrain (2,029), Chile (1,721.5), Kuwait (1,307), and Oman (1,120.3). The situation in these countries are as follows:




- The 5 countries with the highest case fatality rate were Yemen (26.3%), France (17.6%), Belgium (15.6%), UK (15.5%), and Italy (14.4%). The situation in these countries are as follows:



○ Daily new confirmed cases by chain of transmission



○ Age distribution of severe cases



○ New cases (for last 2 weeks) by chain of transmission



○ “5 Basic Infection Prevention Rules for Everyone”

(1) Stay home for 3-4 days if you get sick.

(2) Keep a distance of two arms’ length between you and other people.

(3) Wash your hands for 30 seconds. Cough/sneeze into your sleeve.

(4) Ventilate your space at least twice a day and disinfect regularly.

(5) Keep in touch with family and friends while maintaining physical distancing.




- Do not go to school or work if having fever or respiratory symptoms

- Ventilate classrooms by opening windows

- Maintain constant distance between students

- Keep facemasks on at all times* while in school

  * Exceptions allowed for meal times or health problems

- Maintain personal hygiene including hand washing and using hand sanitizers

- If having fever of 37.5 degrees or above or respiratory symptoms, immediately inform a health teacher and classroom teacher, put on an MFDS-approved facemask, and wait in a separate area

- Avoid karaoke rooms, PC cafes, bars, clubs, and other publicly used facilities.



Source: Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention(KCDC)



  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(July13)_Morning.pdf (345.28KB / Download 339회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(July13)_Afternoon.pdf (457.05KB / Download 343회) Download