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The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of August 29 from KCDC (+323)

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameKim, Yeonji
  • Date2020-08-31 00:00
  • Hit785
The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of August 29 from Korea Centers for Diesease Control & Prevention (KCDC)
As of August 29, 2020


□  As of 0:00, August 29, 2020, the total number of confirmed cases is 19,400 (including 2,797 imported cases), of which 14,765 cases have been discharged from isolation. There are 308 new local cases, 15 new imported cases, and 5 new death.



○ Overall case and test status, as of 0:00, August 29 (cumulative since January 3, 2020)



○ Regional distribution of cases, as of 0:00, August 29 (cumulative since January 3, 2020)




□  Major local clusters as of 12:00 today (29 August):

* The specific figures below may differ from the daily reported statistics or figures disclosed by local municipalities due to factors such as report timing and differences in the time period considered


○ Related to Sarang Jeil Church in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul City, 40 additional cases were confirmed from contact investigation. In total, 1,018 cases have been confirmed.

  - 951 cases total in capital area (Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi)

  - 67 cases total in other areas (Busan, Daegu, Daejeon, Gangwon, Chungbuk, Chungnam, Jeonbuk, Gyeongbuk, Gyeongnam)

  - To date, 154 confirmed cases of further transmissions from Sarang Jeil Church have been found related to 25 venues. Investigation is underway.



○ Related to August 15 Seoul rallies, 13 additional cases were confirmed from investigation. In total, 307 cases have been confirmed.

  - Rally related (135), further transmissions (101), police (7), under investigation (64)

  - Including only cases with no known relation to Sarang Jeil Church according to basic investigation; may change with new findings in further investigation

  - 186 cases total in capital area (Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi)

  - 121 cases total in other areas (Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, Daejeon, Ulsan, Gangwon, Chungbuk, Chungnam, Gyeongbuk, Gyeongnam)

  - To date, 62 confirmed cases of further transmissions from August 15 rallies have been found related to 6 venues. Investigation is underway.


○ Related to Muhan 9roup in Gwanak-gu, Seoul City, 6 additional cases were confirmed from contact investigation including 3 in Suncheon-si, Jeonnam Province. In total, 72 cases have been confirmed.


○ Related to an apartment complex in Guro-gu and a livestock company in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul City, 1 additional case was confirmed from contact investigation. In total, 34 cases have been confirmed. Further investigation is underway.

  - Index case (1), index case’s family (2), workplace contacts (23), index case’s apartment complex (8)


○ Related to In The Light Church in Nowon-gu, Seoul City, 3 additional cases were confirmed from contact investigation. In total, 20 cases have been confirmed.

  - Church members (8), further transmissions (family, friends, etc) (12)


○ Related to True Love Nursing Home, first case was confirmed on 27 August and 17 additional cases were confirmed from contact investigation. In total, 18 cases have been confirmed. Further investigation on route of transmission and contact investigation is underway.

  - Staff (5), users (13)


□  Severe/critical cases and deaths:

○ Total 321 deaths (cumulative), among which 312 (97.2%) had underlying medical conditions such as hypertension and diabetes.

- 16 deaths in the last weeks (15 – 28 August), of which 3 were aged 90 or above, 7 were aged 80-89, 5 were aged 70-79, 1 was aged 60-69. 14 of them had underlying medical conditions.


○ Case fatality rate:

  - 21.12% for those aged 80+

  - 6.70% for ages 70-79

  - 1.48% for ages 60-69


○ 64 severe/critical cases as of today

  - 54 (84.4%) are aged 60 or above

  - 7 (11%) are aged 50-59

  - 3 (4.7%) are aged 40-49

  - 39 with underlying medical conditions as of today.


○ KCDC has supplied remdesivir, specially imported for COVID-19 treatment, to 155 patients thus far.


○ Since elderly people aged 60 or above are more likely to develop severe symptoms if infected with COVID-19, KCDC advises the elderly to stay home as much as possible and wear a facemask at all times when leaving home and get tested as soon as possible if they notice any symptoms related to COVID-19 such as fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle pain.


□  Imported cases as of 0:00, 29 August:

○ 15 new imported cases

- 5 were confirmed at the point of entry and 10 were confirmed in the community while in mandatory self-quarantine after arrival

  - 7 Korean nationals and 8 foreign nationals


○ Infection acquisition location (presumed):

  - Asia excluding China: India 3, Bangladesh 2, Philippines 2, Indonesia 1, United Arab Emirates 1

  - Americas: US 5

  - Africa: Egypt 1


□  KCDC thanked 1,420 volunteers who recovered from COVID-19 for donating their plasma.


□  As the transmission of COVID-19 is ongoing around Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi province, KCDC announced to apply enhanced social distancing measures for high-risk facilities from 30 August to 6 September along with Social Distancing Level 2 which has been already extended to the whole nation effective 24 August.


○ To stop the transmission, following measure will be applied to restaurants, cafes, and indoor fitness centers.

- Restaurants, pubs, bars, snack bars, bakeries: only takeaway and deliveries are allowed from 21:00pm to 5:00am next day. No dine-in is allowed.

- Cafes: for franchised coffee shops, only takeaway and deliveries are allowed regardless of business hours. No dine-in is allowed. For non-franchised cafes, only takeaway and deliveries are allowed from 21:00pm to 5:00am next day. During normal business hours, dine-in is allowed. This also applies for bakeries that also sells drinks.

- Indoor fitness centers: gathering ban is applied to indoor gym, billiard hall, screen golf facility, and badminton court.



○ To prevent COVID-19 transmission to students and children, following measure will be applied to academies, after-school facilities, private study rooms and study cafes.

- Only online class is allowed for academies in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi area. A gathering ban is applied to private study rooms and study cafes.

- For after-school facilities which registered to teach less than 9 students, limited number of gathering is allowed, but compliance to core prevention guidelines are mandatory.

- These measures are applied from 0:00 31 August to 24:00 6 September.

- To minimize lack of child care as a result of above measures, 1/3 of workers from the government and public institutions are recommended to work from home. Same recommendation is made to the private sector.

○ To prevent COVID-19 transmission to elderly citizens,

- No visits are allowed in convalescent hospitals and nursing homes in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi area. Facilities frequently used by elderly citizens such as day/night elderly care center and cooling centers.

- If operation of such facilities are unavoidable, activities such as singing are not allowed as it produces much droplets.



- Illegal gatherings run by door-to-door sales will be managed and controled strongly via report center operated by Fair Trade Commission.


□  KCDC reminds the public that compliance with infection prevention measures and participation in social distancing efforts is the most important to stopping the spread of COVID-19, and asked for thorough compliance this weekend.



○ Age distribution of severe cases



○ Confirmed cases by gender and age group



○ Deaths by gender and age group






○ New cases (for last 2 weeks) by chain of transmission





Source: Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention(KCDC)



  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(August29)_Morning.pdf (92.39KB / Download 390회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(August29)_Afternoon.pdf (284.59KB / Download 395회) Download