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Moving routes of confirmed patient in Sejong city

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameSong, Jihye
  • Date2021-04-21 00:00
  • Hit690

We'd like to inform you information and moving routes of confirmed patients in Sejong city


PLEASE REPORT US using this link ( http://bit.ly/2xhjMBx)


- if your routes are overlapping with moving routes of confirmed patients


- if your residence is same as confirmed patient's one

April.17 13:50~15:30 Clinic 웰키즈 소아과(보듬3로 95 해피라움3(아름동))
WellKids Clinic(Bodum 3-ro 95 Happyraum3)
Apr.15 13:00~13:36 Restaurant 한끼 김치찌개(도움8로 11-11)
Hankki kinchijjigae(Doum8-ro 11-11_
Apr.14 22:00~23:00 Gym 길라잡이 체육관(도움1로 108 5층)
Gilajabi gym(Doum 1fh 108 5th floor)
Apr.14 13:30~14:00 Restaurant 능소 비빔국수(세종로 4283)
Neungso bibimguksu(Sejong-ro 4283)




Again, if your routes are overlapping with them, PLEASE REPORT US with using this link ( http://bit.ly/2xhjMBx)