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[re]lower score can be accepted by Lancaster University

  • CategoryGMP Notice
  • NameKIM, Hyun Joo
  • Date2006-04-11 00:00
  • Hit589
Dear Students,

lower score can be accepted for TOEFL if students take the 4 week English pre-session. But it’ll take additional 3,000 U$. If you don’t really mind paying that much money to take pre-English course, range 237 ~ 250 would be just fine to apply to LUMS MBA/MSc in Finance.

For admission to the University''s 4-week English for Academic Purposes course, LUMS would usually be looking at a minimum TOEFL of around 237 cbt ( plus a minimum of 4.0 on the writing test) for the 4 week course to be sufficient to bring them up to speed for the MBA or MSc in Finance programmes.

-------------- Original Message ------------------
우리 대학원 제휴기관인 Lancaster University Business School[LUMS]의 KDI School 추천입학사정에서 GMAT 제출이 면제되었음을 알려드립니다.

해당 석사학위과정은 다음과 같습니다.

- MBA (2006 Fall)
- MSc in Finance (2006 Fall)
- MSc in Accounting and Financial Management (2006 Fall)


Good Quantitative Skill
TOEFL Score PBT600 / CBT250 (Minimum)

