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University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC) Master of Science in Sustainable Urban Management (MSSUM)

  • CategoryGMP Notice
  • NameKIM, Hyun Joo
  • Date2018-05-24 00:00
  • Hit527







대학: University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)

위치: Champaign, Illinois, United States

단과대학: Department of Urban and Regional Planning

학위: Master of Science in Sustainable Urban Management (MSSUM)





입학요건: TOEFL IBT 102 이상 또는 IELTS 6.5 이상 (Institutional code 1836)

학제: 1년 석사과정 (2019 봄학기 시작 협의)

이수학점: 32학점

* Core 4(16학점, research practicum 학점 포함), Primary Area of Study (12학점), Electives (4학점)

Tuition & Fees: 2018-2019 기준 $32,184

지원시기: 715일 전후



Contacts and Links


Professor Dustin Allred

Director of MSSUM Admissions

Department of Urban and Regional Planning

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Email: dallred2@illinois.edu

Phone: 217-333-6531








 1) Do you require any particular field of study? Such as Management or Engineering?
 -> No particular area of study is required for admission in the program.

2) Is a TOEFL score of 79 also acceptable if the candidate's background is strong?
->  Yes, a TOEFL score of 79 is acceptable although students with scores in this range will need to take a language assessment upon arrival to campus and may need to take additional English language classes as part of their studies.

3) Could you provide us with a sample course list?
-> A list of required courses can be found in the MSSUM webpage here: http://urban.illinois.edu/prospective-students/academic-programs/master-of-science-in-sustainable-urban-management.




In addition, students will take elective courses in a primary area of study of their choice. The primary areas of study and suggested courses inlcude:


Regional Systems and Informatics

UP 418

GIS for Planners

UP 519

Advanced Applications of GIS

UP 509

Economics for Planners

UP 556

Regional Science Methods


Other approved economics and geography courses



Energy and Environment

UP 405

Watershed Ecology and Planning

UP 446

Sustainable Planning Seminar

UP 456

Sustainable Planning Workshop

UP 466

Energy, Planning & Built Environment

UP 480

Sustainable Design Principles


Other approved energy and environment courses


Governance and Community

UP 420

Planning for Historic Preservation

UP 423

Cmnty Dev in the Global South

UP 470

Shrinking Cities

UP 473

Housing & Urban Policy

UP 478

Community Development Workshop

UP 533

Community in American Society

UP 535

Local Policy & Immigration


Other approved community courses

4) Is there any pertinent information available regarding the city and off-campus are?    

-> Here are some resources for prospective students regarding life in the Champaign-Urbana area:


From our Illinois International office: http://www.isss.illinois.edu/students/lifeasintl.html.




I’ve also attached a handbook we send out to all our incoming graduate students. And finally, a link to a handbook created by someone in engineering (a little dated, but it has good information about the local area): http://biophysics.illinois.edu/files/Cindy's%20guide%20to%20C-U.pdf.



  • pdf 첨부파일 Incoming Grad student guidebook 2018.pdf (125.21KB / Download 255회) Download