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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
2445 Student Forum Board Sejong City Flea Market fundraising campaign for Ecuador´s .. CARVALLO ROMERO, Rigoberto 2016-07-07 ACTIVITY REPORT No. LACF-CULT-001-2016.pdf 291
2444 Student Club KDIS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Finding Comfort when Life Hurts RUGARE, ENIA DAMBUDZO 2016-07-06 13612332_10207321404540395_5410866570365847408_n.jpg 279
2443 KDIS Notice 2016 Song and Dance Festival(July 8th) Park Minah 2016-07-06 포스터2.JPG 348
2442 KDIS Notice 2016 KSP 경제발전경험 모듈화사업 집필진 공모 Seol, Minkyung 2016-07-06 447
2441 GMP Notice Univ. of Leeds 설명회 자료 요약 KIM, Hyun Joo 2016-07-04 study at POLIS at the University of Leeds 2016.pptx 404
2440 Student Club KDIS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: GOD'S KIND OF FAITH RUGARE, ENIA DAMBUDZO 2016-06-30 13552543_10207277921093336_1432224805_n.png 286
2439 Student Notice Special Offer of Scaling Treatment in July LEE, Hayoung 2016-06-29 286
2438 KDIS Notice Video shooting in library on June 30 (4pm - 9pm) Shin, Ah Young 2016-06-29 308
2437 KDIS Notice [NCS E-Learning] NCS 활용가이드 특강 Han, Jaehyun 2016-06-29 414
2436 GMP Notice Michigan State University 제휴대학 설명회 요약 KIM, Hyun Joo 2016-06-28 Description of Program_2016.ppt 469