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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
195 KDIS Notice Special Lecture on FTA and Trade Policy of the Korean Govern.. Hyun Min Sung 2004-12-06 798
194 KDIS Notice Notice : Course Add and Drop Period Hyun Min Sung 2004-12-05 Schedule-2005_Summer(4).xls 730
193 KDIS Notice Notice Hyun Min Sung 2004-12-05 713
192 KDIS Notice Course Schedule for 2005 Summer Term Hyun Min Sung 2004-12-04 Schedule-2005_Summer(최종).xls 712
191 KDIS Notice [Alumni Event] A hike on Chung-gae Mountain on Saturday, May.. Hyun Min Sung 2004-12-04 742
190 KDIS Notice Course Registration for 2005 Summer Term Hyun Min Sung 2004-12-04 2005 Summer Term Course.xls 749
189 KDIS Notice Exchange Program for 2005 Fall Hyun Min Sung 2004-12-04 05Fall_ExchangeProgram_Notice.doc 764
188 KDIS Notice World Bank Job Fair Hyun Min Sung 2004-12-03 802
187 KDIS Notice Dormitory Internet Use Survey Hyun Min Sung 2004-12-02 827
186 KDIS Notice Course Schedule for 2005 Spring Term Hyun Min Sung 2004-12-02 Schedule-2005_Spring(6).xls 791